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IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Good thing Lil Plow found those truck keys that Big Plow plowed under.....
Well it keeps timing out on me. I will try one more time. If it doesn't work, I will try again Momday from work.

Oct 21st (28th rain date)

Roanoke, IL (20 miles east of Peoria on IL 116)
Sign me up!!!!

If Mike M brings his latest Original, I think I can talk Dee into coming. He needed a last minute creeper shifter handle, so he found one in his wife's dresser drawer!!!

Seriously, his Original is something to see. Very nice!!
Lets see that makes....
T minus 4511 hours and 22 minuts till PD12.

Time to start getting ready. I think I will have enough time to drive Stinky down there.

Under Edit,
not to pressure anyone

(Message edited by till on April 16, 2006)
But Tedd, we're starting on Friday night this time.......We have another smaller field right down the road for some night plowing!!!! Better re-adjust your counter!!!!
Err, that's machined brass

Oct 21st, 2006 @ 6:00 AM Breakfast meet at the Petro?

Polished brass creeper handle.


Dual fronts on a 782.


"You came all the way from Alaska?", "Hmmmm, are you sure you're not from Rochester?"
Rick M...I hear Bryan McM is buying food AND fuel for us at the Petro.....

More shots of my 982's nose art will be posted soon....
Thinking out loud........Add some grey primer paint, a Fin for the top of the hood and.........................LANDSHARK!!!!