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I was ripped off

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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May 15, 2013
Rick stephens
When I need a new mower, I decieded to go with Cub Cadet based on their history of building good equipment. But I got ripped of instead. I paid 1700$ for a new mod 1170. The piston came apart(just after warranty run out ). So I had a new engine put in. I had nothing but trouble with that motor. Then the piston broke in that one. My dad bought a new bolens that same year. Basicly the same machine, minor differences. He pail 800$ less and now I use it to mow with. Cub Cadet pretty much blew me off when I call C.S.. They already had my money, why would they give a rats as&. Bottom line, I will never spend money on the Cub Crap again. The dealer where I bought it, folded soon after I bought it.
sounds like you should of bought yopurself a IH cub cadet, I just got done cutting 2 acres with a 38 year old machine with no rebuilds...

IH cub cadets rule the landscape....
Welcome to the Forum. Wow, sounds like some bad luck.. Do you have any Cubs built by IH (on or before 1984) or just the one built by MTD ? Note that there's really nothing this forum can help you with on an issue with MTD - as a matter of fact it mentions it in the rules ( "If you have an issue with a sponsor or other vendor, DO NOT post it on this site. This is a matter between said vendor and YOU, not us. YOU need to resolve it yourself. Also, do not expect us to arbitrate your issues for you, either. ")
Sorry to learn of the problems you had. The 1170 was not a "real" Cub Cadet however, it was labeled a "Cadet" only and was made for marketing by the big box stores primarily. It was a 100% MTD model except for the paint and is not truly representative of actual Cub Cadet quality.

The problems you experienced are engine related, as I read your post. Your real warranty concerns should be directed to Briggs and Stratton CS as they would be glad to assist you. I am sure that they would provide (at minimum) some $ assistance for repairs.

You are 100% correct, it is the same as the Bolens model in most respects. I know that MTD is difficult to deal with, perhaps you can get best results dealing with the engine mfr instead. Finally, as I said earlier, that is NOT a real Cub Cadet in any respect, it is simply a CADET, a marketing model that is essentially an MTD/Bolens with different paint. Sorry about your bad experience
Do yourself a favor. Go buy a used IH Cub Cadet and you should have little problems. Look on our classifed section or Craigslist or someething. Depending on what you are looking for you should only need to spend aroud $500. Of course you may have to buy some paint.
Most of us agree with you that the new Cub Cadet's are JUNK.
In the interest of not biting the hand that still feeds our passion (remember, you can still get a lot of parts for an IH built Cub from MTD and they are not all NOS parts), MTD is doing the same as the Green machine, building lower quality machines for the big box market. At the same time, they are still building (and selling at higher cost) some quality products that sell through their dealer network. If I was shopping right now (for new ones), I'd still look at the Yellow/White products before Green... But first choice would be as Shultzie suggests..
MTD...Manufactured To Die!!!!

I recently had an old friend bring a crapsman (MTD) rider to fix. After cleaning/power washing I noticed the front axle was tilted forward. I didn't do anything else after finding this because it only takes one thing like this to render the machine useless. It would take more to fix this one issue than it's worth.

Having said that...Rick, I would go with what's been said and get a IHCC. It's a shame you've spent so much already because for that much money you could have a CC that would last you your lifetime.
My son-in-law is into pro-level lawn mower racing (don't ask....) . He finds running mowers all the time for next to nothing - usually with running engines, including the ones that the 1170 has. I'd look for one, transfer the engine to the 1170, clean it up (sounds like it didn't have much use) and put it on CL.. Take the proceeds and look for an IHCC.......
Don't want to get my head chopped off - but....

My old iron tractors, be it an IHCC or other color tractor frequently need attention. I guess it's just an old age thing. It's getting the same way with me too...

But I bought an MTD Cub Cadet lawn tractor, LTX1042, and it is one fine machine. I bought it for my Wife and kids to use about 3 yrs ago. I can't have Momma chopping off my head everytime she walks out and the tractor won't start, got itself flooded, have to check the oil, change gears or hand on the hydro lever, set in a ragged seat, air up a tire and on and on and on. For me - it's all part of the deal with these old tractors. Some go longer without any tinkering, others are as frequent as a deadbeat milking the free lunch. The other thing is safety. This MTD CC has a ton of safety stuff and I'm feel better about them tooling around on it. It also has foot controlled hydro which is crazy easy to use.

My view is - after having it for 3 yrs now - is it's a very high quality tractor. Is it heavy duty like the IHCC - not even close. I think it will last at least 10 years or more. I tell everyone, don't mow rocks and don't snag the deck on a tree root or sidewalk and the tractor will last.


I think that if you can learn (which I'm trying to do with these IHCC's), you can definatly make a $$$'s case for buying a $300 IHCC, spending some $$$'s in refurb - even to the point of paying as much for the MTD CC's and having a tractor that will last another 30 or 40 years, even if you mow rocks or snag rocks with the deck...
My .02 : I think how long a piece of equipment will last depends on how it is used and what maintenance is done. I have a chrapsman mower I bought in 92 , It still mows grass and runs with no smoke. I did have to replace the head gasket 3 years ago.But I think for the price i paid (had I knew) I would have bought two old Cubs and rebuilt them. there is no way the chrapsman will out last a Cub cadet.My neighbour has gone through two mowers since I bought mine just because he won`t look after anything.Where they stop in the fall they sit all winter. I don`t care what you buy some people can wreck anything .

(off the soap box)
Gotta agree with you, Don... One point that we forget is that for the most part, excluding a few here, we have no idea how our Cubs have been treated up 'till the time we got them.. I was fortunate in that I worked with the PO of mine, including when it was new, and when I got it, in '85, it still looked almost new. Abuse may not show, but metal remembers the stresses it takes and as these stress points accumulate, there is a breaking point (the reason to replace them con rods...). How we treat them after we buy 'em sometimes doesn't count. I HAVE had some issues, (like the hydro gasket and steering improvement), but the 129's always reminded more of a full size vehicle or tractor in it's needs....

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