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I see that the sand has been cleaned

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The grump says to stick that link right here!
Dahmit Charlie!

I just had the best night's sleep I've had in a week. Now I gotta stay awake and worry about this!
Charlie, yeah I saw that a month or so ago. Then I went to see what snopes.com had to say about it.
Click here
Maybe someone should tell Ted Olsen (Solicitor General) that his wife really did not die in the crash. This stuff is just horse puckey
Kraig -

Hurray! At least SOMEone other than I looks at www.snopes.com before we pass something along...
Never said I believe everything I see, BUT, how man crash site have you visited? grin
In my 17 years in the ANG, I've seen more than my fair share. Somethin is NOT right here!
Ya know all kiddin aside though. Unless you you were there, saw it happen, who the heck knows what really happened to the plane before it hit, if in fact it did hit, Hell, it could have ripped apart on the down swing.

The photographs in Question 5 show representations of a Boeing 757-200 superimposed on the section of the building that was hit.

Can you explain what happened to the wings of the aircraft and why they caused no damage?
Charlie -

I've been to as many airliner-into-the-Pentagon crash sites as you have

<font size="-2">Next thing ya know, you'll be "quoting" Nostradamus and giving us the Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookie recipe!

(Message edited by bmcmeen on November 18, 2004)

(Message edited by bmcmeen on November 18, 2004)
I'm not into cryptic quatrains at the present, but I may start soon, grin
Oh yea,

* 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
* 1 cup brown sugar
* 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
* 1 egg
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1-3/4 cups flour
* 1-1/2 teaspoons instant espresso powder, slightly crushed
* 8 ounces semisweet chocolate chips

Lets see here, the WTC1 was 207 feet 2 inches long on each side, the wingspan of a 757 is 125 feet. The section of the pentagon was 90 ft. I don't want to start a whizzin match here I'm just trying to justify the lack of damage width wise, This is the sand box ain't it? grin
Will be gone deer hunting for the next week, see you after the 29th.

And for all the others going deer hunting, be safe out there.
I did and he gave me this recipe :
Take 1 bushel dried beans
1 1/4 gallon molasses
Ken- How many "cool tools" are added to the recipie to be consumed while the beans are baking???? Inquiring minds need to know and I figured I would beat the forgien correspondent to the question.
Anybody ever see what a little C4 can do in the trunk of a Pontiac? Or a load of fireworks in an Escort?
Can your training crew come over and work with us?!! At least I'm assuming you guys did that for training drill. . . . .

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