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Marlin M yes I got in touch with Don T and he provided his phone number Yes I may take the pump out and see if there might be something broken I will get back to you after I talk to Don
Thanks Ron.
Marlin H

I will up date for Ronald . seems he replace the engine and had the wrong rotation . turned the engine around and had forward and reverse but power steering was locked to one side . So I told him to turn the engine again and flip the charge pump so the power steering gets pressure for the correct port. I think he will have it running correctly soon. Later Don T
Donald T. Thank YOU!!! That means a lot. I've had people write me personally and I give them all the info they need (even to find NLA parts) and I never hear back.
don and marlin, I have reversed the engine but still no power steering or hydro lift. I am going to try and hook up a power drill and see if I can get enough RPM's to operate the charge pump and the implement valve other than that I am not sure what else to try I have read the service manual over AND OVER, Ron
Don, what SKYPE program should I download to make conversation with you, Ron
Ronald B. Does everything else such as forward/reverse and hydraulic lift work? If everything else works then I'd be looking into the powet steering unit itself. Have you literally taken gauges and measured pressure at the points the Service Manaul tells you to? You may have internal damage to the pump if you haven't checked for pressure using the gauges or taken the whole unit.... pump & motor apart to check for damage. One can't just keep blaming the charge pump if the rest of the unit is damaged.

Summing things up.... one can read a manual over AND OVER.... HOWEVER... sometimes one must actually do what the manaul tells them to do... I.E. ... check with gauges or total dismantle and check for internal dmamage other than the charge pump. In other words... quit trying to solve a problem by blaming the charge pump. Has this tractor been towed without releasing the check valves or towed without raising it off the ground so the wheels can't rotate and damage the pump?

Ron B. MY sincerest and BEST ADVICE is to take your tractor to a shop that knows what they are doing and have them look at the pump. It is apparent that you want a simple fix to something that is obviously more internal than just the charge pump.
Ronald B. Did you study and do what is suggested on PAGE 17 of the Service Manual? There are even pges that tell you what type of gauge and where to install them and what the pressures should be. EVERYTHING you need to know is in the SERVICE MANUAL. Hooking up a drill after you've had the engine turning the pump isn't going to magically make the pump or charge pump work.
marlin, I have purchased the gauges and will proceed with the test, will give whatever info I may discover
Marlin, NO have been busy farming but will let you know later
yes will try today if grandson get over here, he is my chief mechanic, let you how me made out later today
Marlin things did not go well, had heavy rain and roof started to leak had to attend to that and never got to work on tractor still raining but will keep in touch.