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He's still there,just playing hard to get.
Good luck with the 'yotes;your daughter appears to be quite comfortable in the outdoors. Tryin' to get my 12 year old granddaughter interested in hunting,but the bug hasn't bit her yet.

Our rut is fixin' to bust lose,multiple scrapes and rubs on my little piece of proprty...just need to adjust my hunting hours!


Had a little "backyard visitor" tonight. I guess someon forgot to tell me it was "gopher dinner night" in my backyard...

He was about 125yards away, and I was shooting almost directly into the setting-sun, so the pics aren't the best.




Art, great photos!
I love the leaping one. Send him over my way, I have plenty of pocket gophers.

Been hunting this bird hard for two weeks. He continually made a fool out of me. I went after work today and took advantage of the 30+ mph winds to cover my assault. Had to put the redneck sneak on him...11-1/2" beard with 1-1/4" inch spurs...a smart 4-5 year old bird. He thought he was safe at 5:30 in the afternoon...
It's been a strange year with the wild turkey around here this year. The spring gobbler season ended last Saturday. I haven't seen much activity at all like I usually do except for Gladys, a hen that hangs around. I feel pretty sure she's the same hen I had around last spring but one never knows for sure. Apparently she doesn't have a nest or it was destroyed by predators. I say this because the hen won't leave the nest until certain temps are reached and she has been around on several cool mornings. Yesterday evening I went to fix supper and saw this out of my kitchen window. The lowest turkey in the pic is Gladys ignoring the struting (playing hard to get). This is the best my little cybershot will do at about 150 yards. I sure wish Kraig was here with his fancy photo stuff.


There were five toms and Gladys. Two of the toms were struting and she was ignoring all five. This was shortly after 7:00. I watched for quite a while until she walked back into the woods with all the guys following.

Right now Gladys is down in the old pond bed and there are toms gobbling up a storm just beyond the pond in the woods and out of my sight. I guess everything was set back in nature this year and the hunting season was just bad timing. I think the cicada thing might have something to do with it.
Our turkey season was likewise a little "off".Gobblers just wouldn't "work" like I'm used to. Got on several birds,but they always ended up going away.Couple of my friends that usually limit out had poor seasons also.
Bobby B.
I think there's something going on with wildlife this spring. Yesterday I had some guys over and we were sitting in the front yard when Gladys (hen turkey) comes strolling by. She hangs around keeping about fifty yards between us but goes on about her business of pecking the ground. Today I'm out in my work area and notice a bobwhite quail between me and the back door. I start to walk towards it and it just walks to the side allowing me to get within 5 feet of it. I was a little dumbfounded at why it was here to begin with and why it wouldn't fly away as I walked around. I went back in the house and got some birdseed I had left from winter feedings. The quail had gone under the fig bush by the drive and was seemingly resting. I scattered the seed off to the side of the bush and then went to get some clothes off the line. When I went back over the quail was eating away at the seed paying even less attention to me. I then went and got the camera and took this shot. It was about four feet away now.


I have no idea as to what is going on but there's something happening. Maybe it's a confused state from all of the cicadas we have had. They are about all gone though. One other thing I did was get my female cat and took her in the house before she discovered the quail. My other cat was already napping inside.

What will tomorrow bring.....
Ken i would like to get hold of a stripe that big. I caught a shark in the gulf about 5 years ago. Estimated weight was 75 to 85 pounds. They wouldn't let me land it on the pier. Brother inlaw took pictures then lost his camera in the water. That was 3 weeks before the first shark attack near Gulf Shores.
Recent trail camera photos.




I think this camera is about to die. It no longer will accept changes to the date/time and now the color is way off.
Makes a cool image though...

There are Turkeys crawling all over the farm. I had two of them set in front of the camera for over 12 minutes. Another event has a single turkey standing in front of the camera and grooming itself for over a half hour! That's 72 photos of the same turkey. If I run a slide show it's like having a video clip of it.



Kraig - I see now why you're needing another Cuddeback. Man that's getting terrible ! The saturation is shot to Miami and back

Hey how 'bout setting up a Live Cam feed ??
KENtucky, it's one of my Racktracker cams that's on it's way out. The Cuddeback still takes decent photos just not very high resolution. Live feed would be nice!
A video clip is the next best thing.

10 point
Not fully hunting related, but last Saturday as I was coming home from doing some target shooting at the farm, as I turned into my driveway I noticed a Bobwhite quail in the driveway. I had my camera with so I snapped a couple of photos as it walked into the grass. The quail didn't seem too spooked so I carefully got out and noticed a second quail on a fence post. I had the camera zoomed way out so my photo of it on the post is a bit fuzzy. It hopped off the post and I got a second photo of it which was much better. I took several more photos of it and the other quail as they walked off. Both appear to be males. Females don't have the white around the eyes, they instead have a cream color around their eyes. They seemed too tame to be wild, plus I don't think I've ever seen a wild Bobwhite quail around here. Last time I saw any Bobwhite quail around here, tame or otherwise was in the 1970's when my father was raising them. He had built a "Bobwhite Quail call back pen", which is a two sided pen. You put half the covey in one side and the other half of the covey in the second side. One day you let out one side and in the evening they are called back by the quail still in the pen. I still have the September 1971, Sports Afield magazine article with the plans for the pen that my father used to build his pen. I'm thinking someone nearby is raising the Bobwhite Quail. I would love to see them make a comeback like the Wild Turkey has made.


Fuzzy due to being zoomed in and the photo was taken through a dirty car widow.


Fuzzy because I was too close (about 8 feet away) and was zoomed in and I was in a hurry.


Got lucky with this one.


In case anyone is interested, here's the article on making the pen.



Kraig - I've never seen a Quail that white.
Here they're brown. I use to have Quail around the house at the farm , loved watching the little ones diddle down the side of the road behind the hen.
That's one of the main things I miss being here.

Oh well at least I can go sit on the lake at night and listen to the
Consider yourself lucky! If Kraig sits on a lake at night he has to listen to the LOONS!