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Got picture posting issues?

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While I am at it I got's me a question. I tried to upload some pictures last week off my digital camera but the files are to big to load on the site. It tells me they need to be less than 50K, but most all of my pictures are more than that. Anything I can do to resize them to upload? They are currently stored in my Desktop in a folder. What can I do? Help please.
Chad B -
I'd start with the CD that came with your camera. It surely has software to edit, crop and probably resize your images. Or you can purchase any number of digital photo editing packages. Many here like Paint Shop Pro.
As to the specific operation of your chosen software, I'd suggest the publisher's support site. Or RTFM ;)
There's also some hints in the FAQ.
If you are using XP the you can install the image resizer powertoy. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx

Then you right click on the file and select resize pictures.

Then I usually select custom and use 480 x 360.
Terry B -
But does it handle the other half of the filesize equation - the JPEG compression level? Cropping is important, too cuz we want to see the subject, not one's cars, boats or the surrounding countryside.

That said, this needs to be discussed in The Sandbox, not here. I'd move the posts, but there's only so much admin I can do with a cell phone ;)

That and my thumb is getting tired from 'typing'
You are correct on both parts. It is sandbox subject material and I use a different software package to optimize, crop, compress, and sometimes resize my images. I am naughty.

(I was waiting to get a reason to use that icon
Sorry, wasnt thinking when I posted the camera question. I'll try not to let that happen again.
Chad B. -

NP - it's easy enough to move. Now ya'll can yak about whatever software to use, resolution/quality issues, &c, right here.
I still aint got it right yet now i got my pictures to upload, but when i previewed it everything was ok. When i did the upload it stretched out across the screen and didnt stack the photos like it did in the preview. I'm gonna give up soon on this pictures thing. It is starting to frustrate me. I did however figure out that the resizing issue is remedied by my cameras uploading software. Just click on my photo after it uploads and resizing it is easy.
Chad, when you compose your post with photos to upload, put each \ image{file name} on a separate line with a blank line between each then the actual images will be on a separate line with a space between the photos. <font size="-2">(Note that I put a space between the "backslash" and the word "image" in the examples here)</font> Here's an example post:

Here are some photos of my Cub collection.

\ image{photo 1}

\ image{photo 2}

\ image{photo 3}
Thanks Kraig, I think I got it now. I really should have signed up a long time ago, this is the best forum on the web with the best people too. Even with most of my post's being messed up or in the wrong place you guy's have all been more then accomadating to get me going in the right direction. This means a lot to a newbie like myself. Thanks to all of you guys. I think I'll stick around as long as you guys allow me.
downloaded the resizer from powertools nice little editor...now I can finally post pics ...all other editors took so many steps then if you missed one it would be a mess thanks Brian for the tip
Brian should get credit for allot of things but I should get the credit for pointing out the image resizer from powertools.
Terry B.-

Bryan didn't get credit for anything. Some mythical Brian did...
I thought I'd try to revive this thread to keep the picture resizing discussion going..
While I've collected quite a spread of image manipulation software of the ilk of Photoshop CS, usually when I want to post something to the forum that I've just taken, I like to have just a "shrink" utility handy. I've got four of them I've been testing lately, with the object of getting the closest to the 70 kb limit and at the same time trying to get as close to 640 x 480... I use an older Sony camera (MVC300) and shoot everything at highest resolution (3 MgPix) as you never know when a snapshot needs blowing up to crop one small area. Most of the files (Jpeg) start some place around 1.4 Mb.. The utilities I've been trying include PIXresizer, JPEG Resizer, STG thumbs and the Microsoft Powertoy. What I'm looking for is the quick and dirt utility that's "most efficient" -creating the biggest in dimension with the least noticeable dithering and preserving as much color depth as possible. Any opinions??
Yep - Paint Shop Pro lets you keep full size photo with option to compress at 1 - 99 % plus it'll resize at any % you want.
1st pic is at 1% compression = 32.8kb
pic 2 is @ 99% compression = 2.13kb

Of course you can see there is a limit as to the amount of compression you want to use.
I've been using Paint Shop Pro since 1995 and I've not changed ... I just turn it inside out every other week like my underwear ... Digger did you type that ??
I use a bunch of tools, depending on what I'm trying to accomplish. For just simple one-off resizings, I use trusty old PolyView with a Lanczos resampling algorithm.

For big jobs, like touching up/cropping/resizing pictures for Julie's eBay listings, I use Microsoft Digital Image Suite.

For images that actually require editing, such as icons, I use Paint Shop Pro 9 with bits of PSP 8. Anything beyond that (ie, PSP X) has been too "Corel-ized" for me and I just won't use it.
You've hit on the issue -what algorithm they're using - I suspect that some of them use the same code.. I'm going to try getting a version of PSP (not Ken's, though
) I'm also going to run through my test cases again, to eliminate those utilities that don't offer the quality option and then see what I get out of those that do. Also, I see Kraig mention something about file renaming - that's one of the things I like about these utilities - I think all of them offer the ability to append to the original file name so you don't overwrite the original picture.

Happy Birthday, Ken...
I was wondering if someone can tell me how to post something from an Adobe document. I know how to get it to the clipboard but cannot seem to get it into a format that I can post here.

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