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Gas Prices

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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WTF are they doing, adding goldschlager gold to the gas? Currently $3.72 and climbing here east of Fond du Lac, WI. Steady increses every few days....why?

Not to mention just was laid off from Kohler....Grrrr!
Jim, sorry to hear that.
It's Kohler's loss... Hopefully it's just temporary.
Having 2nd thoughts about a planned 400 mi cub collection road trip, that's for sure!!

Will probably put a crimp on long distance PD's this spring also

Dave S
Thanks Kraig! I am hopeful but very doubtful (I am 59 and 1/2 now) if you get my drift....
I'm right in there with you, I cracked the 59 in November. Trying to find a different gig sux! BTDT or Am there doin' that.

Pi$$in' me off big time on the gas situation. What going to happen when/if the economy ever picks up? Are the gas prices going to go though the rook because of supply ans demand. So many people off of work and places closing down, can you imagine when were (the US) starts to burn more gas?? My a$$ hurts every time I go to the pump.
Yeah....glad I'm not the road any more. But wait....It's all deductable... right??? Problem is, there's not that much left to deduct it from when all the adding and subtracting is done!!

Still sorta a mystery out here on the left coast where everything is higher, especially gas. Just paid $3.55 at the usual place which is .34 more than I posted 3 weeks. Seen signs listing $3.79 but still seems to be less than most of the rest of you, AND NOW we got a legislature that wants to raise the gas tax by .10. Just when the hell will they learn.
$3.88 west-side Rockford, Il and 4 miles west in Winnabago $3.95
A little Youtube song about our topic from George Hamilton the IV - who also sang the original version (which is about a Kansas town). George is currently wintering in our little park in Zephyrhills, making the winter circuit of trailer parks and other retirement type venues..
Prices here are $141.00 for diesel and $140.00 for regular gas a litre.so that would make it $6.35 and $6.30 for gas. You guys Have great prices.My diesel truck has a 100 litre tank . I would much rather pay your prices !
On the left coast we're trying to catch up with you guys. Paid $3.55 last week, and $3.66 yesterday.