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Upgrade NowJust a nice days drive. Hauled a few loads of parking post out of Yellow River State Forest when I worked for the Conservation Commission (prior DNR days) . Used to catch the UMP Super Late Model race car summer tour at Farley,. then Wi. back into Mn a couple place than back into NW Iowa several times.Probably close to 300 miles apart is all.
He is in SW IA and I am in NE IA.
I've used a 55 gallon plastic barrel to haul water to my garden, depends on how much water you need?5 weeks today since I planted the spuds.
most all are up and looking good, about ready to bloom.
Much better than last year as the CO beetles had them all chewed to hell before they bloomed.
I am finding a few of them, all adults, on the new crop by walking the rows about 2 or 3 times a day looking for them.
Been about 13 days now since the last decent rainfall and things are beginning to look very very dry around the edges.
There is a creek about 70 feet to the left of the rows but I can't think of a good way to get the water
up to where it's needed w/o stringing over 200' of drop cord.
I'll be giving that a shot come next spring,the deer have devastated my garden this year!To keep the deer out of your garden run a light wire around their access sides (or all the way around) about 6 foot high. Run a 14" ± piece of wire through the center hole on a CD. Bend the wire to form a U. Wrap both end of the 14" ± wire around the support wire about 8" apart. May want to pinch one wrap tight to keep it from sliding down the support wire. Place a CD about every 15' or so. Any air movement will cause the CD to move and flash light in all directions. Have done this for the last 3 years and have not seen one deer track in the garden since. Leave them up all year - make great sun catchers.
I already have light sources back there. I have flood lights on the side of my duck house and chicken coop if I were to need them. But my wife has the poles for the fence around the chicken yard capped with solar lights...that outta do it!Put up a night light I guess!