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Gardens 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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David and Steve,

Racoons LOVE corn, and deer LOVE everything (Especially tomatoes and hot peppers).
You're right about the coons Marty. They're the main reason I stopped growing corn. I fought the dry weather, Japanese beetles among other invaders, then, just when it's ready to be picked the next morning, I find stalks and ears scattered and very little salvageable. Them buggers know exactly when it's ready too. Now I just buy what I need off of roadside farmers trucks or produce markets.

I have two rows of okra and the deer found that when it was about a foot high. It got electrified in short order because they also almost destroyed my pepper plants. The remaining pepper "stalks" came back tenfold so I should have plenty for the pickled okra (Christmas gifts). My cucs and tomatoes are in cages and I've never had any problems with deer. Last year I did kill around 12 hornworms that can decimate a chest high plant in about a day.

It's just about time to start planning the fall garden now. Collards...Yum!

For the first time ever I seen a baby deer in my garden Tuesday, so mama isn't far away. Yesterday we harvested and processed 2 bushel beans and 28 dozen ears of corn. Made some family, friends, and neighbors happy.
I might have set a record today. I removed/killed eleven hornworms from one tomato plant. I found 9 this am and two more just a while ago. I only have two plants total, one large tomato (beefstake), and the plant with the worms which is a cherry tomato plant. I'm not that big on tomatoes but I do love a good tomato sandwich and cherry tomatoes on my salad.

I'm also finally getting a little rain this evening. It's needed badly around here.

Wayne I am not much for insecticides but I found a product called MONTANA at the farm store. I sprayed the ground around my tomatoes and between the corn rows and almost eliminated my bug and worm problem. It kept them at bay for 6 weeks. I also used at my cabin for the ants and wasps. Great product.
I found I have a visitor in one of the flower beds.


The mess in the bed is himmingbird vine mixed among the horsehair plants.


I remember as a boy my grandfather telling me that if a writing spider sees your teeth you will die. Now wasn't that special!


We call them garden spiders.
When I was young, I would catch bugs and put them in the web. I would then watch the spider bite it and wrap it up for a meal later.
Is anyone else being overrun with okra? I wish I could email it out. I just cut 6-1/2 lbs and still have 8 lbs I cut Monday morn. I have given it away left and right and I still have almost 15 lbs in my frig. I understand okra to like hot, dry weather but the heavy rains we have recently had have done a job on the growth rate apparently.

I only made two small rows of okra this year because I pickle it for Christmas presents. I'll try and get a pic of some goodies later. Those two rows have done their job...30 pints so far.

Here's a baker's dozen of the goodies.


They will be ready for sure by Thanksgiving (but will probably be sampled before then). I also made a big batch of okra/tomato stew and bagged/froze most of it.

I decided to check my sweet potatoes yesterday. Got them out late and didn't think they would be matured yet. I removed vines and dug four hills and got a bushel potatoes. Some of them are bigger than footballs and weigh three to four pounds each. going to be hard to get rid of them.
Well, this just about wraps it up for this years garden. Dug these just before I plowed a few days ago. Along with beans. maters and sketty sauce make about 130 jars in the pantry for this winter, plus a bunch of corn in the freezer.
This size is just about right for 2 people.

We still want to do some meat yet for stew. there weren't enough small potatoes to mess with canning them this year though. Most were really mice with many baker size.
