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Fair deal on 1512

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Apr 22, 2013
Frederick Cressman
Finding a Diesel Cub Cadet at reasonable price isn't exactly easy is it. Finally found one a hundred miles from home and trailered it back 10 days ago. Price $600 with 44C deck in need of welding up.

It was a fair price just because the diesel was in just great condition. Other stuff wasn't maintained the way these gems should have been. Repainted at some point and decals gone, transmission fluid changed at some point to auto tranny fluid (red). Air Filter dirty, no diesel filter and some idler pulleys needing replacement. Heck the guy had never sharpened the blades since putting them on.

OK, start at $600, change oil & filter & air filter immediately, add filter for diesel and conditioners to fuel, weld up deck and add new idler, paint deck, add two idlers to 'mule'. 'CUTS GRASS' hurray! Gasket for tranny arrived yesterday so putting in right fluid and new filter happening tomorrow (hey it works fine but not knowing what's in there worries me). Next is taking out drive shaft to hydrostatic unit to eliminate shake/vibration and put new fan blade in place of wired on broken one. Of course tires were original and replaced last week with slightly oversized 6 ply ATV tires on rear and turf on front (wow right up my steep hill now).

So yeah $600 was fair because time and materials to put this into Good running condition takes it up to just under $1000 and it's not 'pretty' or 'pristine' yet. Would have loved a snow blade buy seller happy and so am I.

My was getting that 'mule' on properly and mower hooked up 'fun'.
Nice deal if you ask me... gotta love the "smokers club"
Obviously I thought so, gas engines and I don't get along well. I've an old Toro Groundsmaster 72 with Mitsubishi diesel and my but it's a beast of a thing for mowing the lower pasture, out of service until I put new seals in it's Sunstrad Hydro unit though. Mind you I spun a bearing in that diesel and rebuilding a diesel isn't much fun even though worth it in the long run. Frankly the 15hp Kubota Diesel impresses me more as just sounds and seems to run better.
Fredrick: I can't resist posting

although, I must say that I think you got a terrific deal.
Frederick Cressman

Auto trans fluid will not hurt your hydro pump ,no worries there.. My 1512 had that in it when I ought it home. Seems like you got a real steal there for that price . I installed a CV drive shaft in my 1512 and I`am real happy with it.I think I paid 125$ for it and I have no vibrations and I think I will never have to repair it again. The factory set up would need repair every few years and can run over 300$ for parts. you should get a photo tack to set the wot at 3600 rpms and set the valves at.07 before you use it too much.I find the diesel really sips fuel and has good power. Enjoy your 1512 .
Thanks for tip on checking valves, it's likely something I'd overlook since running so sweet but it's likely never, ever, been adjusted so will check.
Frederick - you might want to get one of these tacks to set wot . thses can be found for under $20 on the greedy site. they come in handy and remove all guess work setting up Wide open throttle.


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