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Economic Warfare - New terrorist techniques include setting large forest fires

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Gerry, truely this was an eye opener. I had no clue of the implications of terrorist being involved, but when you listen to the vast amount of fires being targeted in small area's and the frightening amount of States that have been fighting these fires, it certainly does call for great concern and a seemingly under the radar method of creating devastating warfare of a different kind. I am wondering WHY the government didnt expose what they found with BinLaden when he was killed and his treasure trove of information gathered. I guess they had to connect all the dots before they let us know? It does sound farfetched, but yet, it truely isn't when you ponder it all and listen to the evidence offered.

We think of terrorism only in terms of bombings or 9/11 type of events when actions against our infrastructure, our homes and our livelihood which can be done with little effort and a low chance of being caught could be just as devastating. It might sound paranoid, but if the government chooses to underplay the risks, it is still up to each of us to be "eyes and ears"..
Gerry, you are sooo right, that we need to be the ears and eyes, looking out for the unusual in everyday life. I know that is mentioned more often then not lately. Great piece to get out to everyone. Thanks for sharing it.
