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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
Tom Hoffman
Thought this night be a cool/funny topic.

Today my neighbor asked my wife if we wanted the piano that they a getting rid of. My wife, as <u>ALL</u> other one's would say, sure! Well, us men know that pianos are as light as a feather. Trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to get that heavy thing over here, with only me and my neighbor for "mules", I came up with the idea of hooking the trailer to the 122. I was able to back the trailer right to the doorway and just roll it in. It all worked out very well. The funniest thing was when I was backing up to my doorway my 15 year old daughter was laughing he a$$ off. I asked what the hell was so funny, she said all she could think of was the Chris Farley(sp) skit on SNL with the "Fat man in a little coat". Well I'm 6"2" and (on a good day) 230#, so me on a little 122 narrow frame, I guess she might have been right. Little known to her, all the time I had on <u>MY</u> mind was the Laurl & Hardy piano movin' skit!!!
Back when I was a kid, I took piano lessons. Same thing, parents get offered a free piano - can't pass it up. It was an old player piano with the player "guts" missing. If I remember correctly, it took five or six men to get it into our basement family room. When my folks moved years later, the piano stayed!
Tom- You need post some pictures of your Cub piano moving episode. I was laughing as I read it.
Ahhhh Piano moving.... Mom bought a baby grand for My Sister when She was about 12 yrs old.... When SIS finally got a house of Her own one Saturday morning I get a phone call from DAD.... "Come on out for Breakfast.... OHHHH Bring Your truck too!" I knew it was going to be a L-O-N-G day.....
Ya know normally I run around a 6 block area throwin snow, BUT, I have a no good
that sends his wife out to shovel the driveway!
Soooooo, today I decide that enough is enough!
The wife comes out to shovel the drive and I tell her to get her butt back inside and send the
out to do it. SHE DID! LOL
Needless to say, he doesn't like to strain his rotten butt and decided that he was just gonna plow through!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!
After 3 hours, he was finally gettin close, snicker