Dear Confused and unhappy,
Without sounding like I'm jumping on ya again!
It's all about just reading a little before you jump and type at the first place you find.
The forum didn't used to have specific sections for specific topics, but since it does, that's where the post go.
If you want to send a personal comment, just click my name and my email address is right there. Fire away and I'll be more than happy to reply or if you want to talk on the phone, shoot me your number and I'll call you.
Yes we do TRY and I use the term loosely, to run a fairly tight ship. There's sections for everything and we all need to use them to keep things straight and make it easier for others to find your post and reply to them to get you taken care of as soon as possible.
No one is picking on ya Wes. We just want you to post in the right section to facilitate your queries in a timely manner.
Yepper, I'm grumpy, I'm an a$$hole to most, but I try to get things done the best way possible and a fast as possible just to get'um done!
Believe me when I say this, if the day comes when your not welcome, YOU'LL KNOW IT! LOL
And remember this as well, The only stupid/dumb question is one that never gets asked!