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Sorry for the blue tractor guys. But I have a better idea, just have to save nickels and dimes for a sleeve hitch for the Cub. Check this out.

This would work on any tractor with a sleeve hitch. Provisions can be made to use a couple HF 10" swivel wheels as stabilizers.
The sleeve hitch to class 2 adapter is already built. The 2" square is heavy wall and the plate the post bolts to is 3/4" thick. A cross piece of 2" square could be put just behind the post mount for above 10" swivels.

Here is what I use as my GANTRY crane.An old swingset my 26 yr old had when he was small.
I bolted an old stop sign post to the top for extra support.I use a 1 ton hoist on it.The heaviest i've lifted was the front of the 1450.