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CATS Stray, Feral, Housebound, Declawed, and Otherwise

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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BJ is practicing up for Christmas morning!!

this is lilla I was in the barn when she jumped on to my shoulders from the hay stack

Charlie, good thing you left the tag on the tail of that. I did a bit of
before I spotted the tag...

Jeff, did she surprise you, or were you ready for her to jump?

David, I take it those cats all get along OK. My two cats tolerate each other at best.

For some odd reason Tots likes to sleep on my legs like this.

no Kraig wasn't ready scared the
out of me, good thing for carhart, claws would not of been fun
Jeff, I had a feeling she surprised you.
She looks a bit like my Tots.
Pippin sleeping on the deck, enjoying one of the first warm days this Spring.

Yesterday I was out in the garden and heard what might be a cat in trouble. I immediately recognized the cats voice and knew it was Lynda. She had climbed the big maple in the front yard and it doesn't offer an easy way down. She's about 9 feet from the ground here.


I had a six foot step ladder close by and tried to give her some assistance but her feral side just won't let her come right to me. She will come beside my chair which is the only time she wants some attention and petting. I gave up, turned to go back to what I was doing, and there was Barney watching the show.


Sometimes I wish the roles were reversed and they would do all the chores while I layed around and watched.

This is about Seresto brand flea/tick collars for cats. They tell their customers the collar lasts for 8 months which is a good thing. The truth is the darn collars have lasted me a year now. Yep, I'm one to push the envelope and I haven't seen any signs of fleas yet this spring and the collars (two of which were lost at 8 months use) are still controlling fleas as far as I can see. I have 4 cats and the two that lost their collars are now starting to show signs of possible fleas...in other words, they have started to scratch.

As long as my cats don't come down with a severe type of cancer soon I shall remain pleased.

It is a shame how the good things in life have to cost so much too. The best I can do for 4 cats is around $200.00 (now for a year).

Amazing how they can worm their way into your heart!
This little guy started hanging around here a few months ago and my Granddaughter started calling him "Stevie"...???

So....$150 vet bill later (thanks Grandma!!) it looks like we are in it here for the long haul.
He can't be very old, The vet thinks he is though?
Has about doubled in size recently since.... "he found" us.

Still has his claws so we have to watch him in the house which is not too often. Princess and BJ just seem to "put up" with him is all.



Going through some old pictures, scanning them into the PC, pre digital camera days for me anyway.
Here's a shot of BJ asleep on the job somewhere north of Brownsville, TX. We were under a load of onions on our way up out of the valley, April '05.
The KW was only about 6 months old and BJ not much older than that.
He was quite the companion!! Still is although he is really starting to show his age, aren't we all!!


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