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CATS Stray, Feral, Housebound, Declawed, and Otherwise

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Shultzie, oddly, or perhaps not so oddly, that seems to make sense...
I haven't said anything yet hoping things would change but Graygirl has completely lost her voice. It started about two weeks before Thanksgiving and I noticed on Thanksgiving day that nothing was coming out. Like most cats she had her times when I needed to be called. The two most popular were gotta go out and feed me. I find myself watching her more closely now instead of depending on hearing anything. She still eats and drinks just like always and I can't feel anything on her throat like a growth or something of that nature.

Has anyone experienced this with your cat(s)? And if so, did any voice ever return?

I first googled it then eventually called my vet. I left message to have him call me back at his convenience but instead he had his receptionist call me and give me his opinion complete with a couple of questions...very helpful (ahem). I learned a lot more from my computer.

Wayne, sorry to hear about Graygirl's loss of her voice. I've never heard of that happening to a cat before. Hopefully she'll be fine.
Wayne. our Meow Meow "lost" his voice for a time.
It became just a weak, small, scratchy sound.

After a few months most of it is back, but not nearly like it was before. more "croaky" if you know what I mean... not smooth like before..

But it never seemed to bother him.. even now he does (what we call) silent meows when we are close and can see him.. you can see his mouth move and almost can read his lips.. but nothing comes out.

But at 4 am he'll be at the foot of my bed and everyone can hear him bellow.. FEED ME! LOL..
Mike F. Tootsie does that to me at 2:00 a.m. telling me that it's breakfast time. At night she'll tuck me in bed by making sure that I am all covered or she'll gently scratch on my body where I'm not covered with a blanket.
That's pretty amazing Marlin. Meow Meow jumps into bed with us when we go up for the night and usually curls up with Chris, I assume because I toss & turn so much and he hates to be disturbed.. roflmao!

But he does his "paw paw dance" on me - where he kneads the covers for like 15 minutes right against my side or arm. And if you stop him, he just starts all over again! roflmao
Princes has taken Pumpkin's place under the tree this year
And we miss him dearly along w/Cuddles, both were lost in the past year.
What is it about cats and Christmas??
Here's hoping you all had a very merry Christmas.

David S. Kitties love the boxes the presents come in. Ours was a nice quiet day.
Wayne S. How is Graygirl doing with her voice problem? Tootsie's voice deepened for about four days due to a cold and is now back to normal.
Thanks Mike,
I have a really good one of B.J. lying right smack in the middle of Carolyn's Christmas village display but can't get the thing resized enough to post it! Grrrr. It's a cell phone shot my Granddaughter took.

We really enjoy or cats this time of year. Princess just goes nuts with little plastic golf balls, batting them all around the house, that is until they all turn up lost and she just roams around like she just lost a best friend!! Carolyn found 8 of 'em under the bed last week and they are all lost again already! Also loves watching the squirrels and birds at the feeders.

Graygirl just squeaks now. I've about given up on her getting better. She still seems healthy and maintains her alpha status with the other guys. She has also found new ways to make sure her needs (mostly wants) are met.

Thanks for asking.
