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Case garden tractors

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Brendan, time to adjust your monitor! That is an Allis Chalmers G and it's Orange...
Did I mention I'm color blind ? I didn't think I was going to pass my physical for my CDL cause I failed the color test, the nurse went to the head nurse and she handed three folders to see if I could tell what they were.

For some reason the only part I usually recognize on the AC is from the rear

That orange A.C. looks red to me here on this monitor.
Lonny, Brendan, It does have a slight reddish tint to it on my monitor so I can see how Brendan thought it was red. I guess I saw an Allis Chalmers model G and thought ORANGE.

<FONT SIZE="-2">IMO, FWIW, YMMV, My $0.02, Yada, Yada, Yada...</FONT>
BRENDAN - You must have had the same nurse for Your DOT physical I had, She tried to say I was red-green color blind too. I think She just hated truck drivers!

RE: Allis orange is like IHC red, It's been a couple different shades over the ages. And sometimes at "Gathering of the ORANGE" events You'll see some tractors with really red tinted paint. I remember seeing a D-14 at one show, automotive paint, new tires, etc., definite "Show Only trailer queen. And the owner had polished EVERY bolt on the whole tractor to a mirror finish, plated them and reinstalled. He removed ALL the markings showing if they were grade 2, 3, 5, or 8. At least A-C didn't used bolts with A-C stamped on the head! The were in a LOT of businesses but I've never seen where they made their own hardware like IHC.
Update on that 155. A friend of mine at work bought the 155 for $300, got it home and replaced the battery and put some gas in it. He said it fired right up and ran for a few minutes before dying. He said the gasket on the float bowl was shot and the bolt that held the whole thing together kept working its way loose. He replaced the gasket and put locktight on the nut and says it runs good.
thought I'd include a pic of my first garden tractor which is also off topic. It has been in my family since 1986. I got it in 2001 when we moved to our house in the country. It is a Case 224 which I repowered with a big single lung Kohler Magnum 16. It is a strong runner and a fun tractor to use. I don't like the hydraulic drive as much as the hydro in my Cubs though--not enough speed control. One of these days I'm going to restore it!


Here my son pulls my daughter around the yard on the little wagon. They are having some fun with it before we put it back to work!
I got this Case 130,last fall, for free from a guy I went to high school with. It is now totally dismantled and sand blasted waiting for paint. After fixing a stuck exhaust valve and a carb kit, it runs great. I had to bondo some heavy and light pitting in the frame/pedestal
That will be a nice looking tractor when your done Ed! I've always liked them and the 195 big wheel. My 220 doesn't have as much character as the older Colt, early Case models.
This is the 67 Case 155 that I bought from Steve Johnson last Sept. I was missing 1 front wheel, the carb and air filter, the generator and most of the seat. The 3 original wheels have been sand blasted.
To get a look at the tractors and parts that are in Steves back yard in Salem, go to the Portland, Ore craigs list, click on farm and garden then type in Steve. He has 4 pictures posted. These tractors are his keepers. He has a room/extension on the back of his garage with 53 garden tractors.



I believe you got "bitten by the archive bug". You'll need to post the pics again. I think it can even happen with properly sized pics as well. The pics won't upload on the last posting when the page is flipped or something like that.

It happens to us all.
You will have to read the text from the last page. I will repost a picture of the 155 that I bought from steve later.

Moderator edit: Here's Edward's text from the archive page.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

This is the 67 Case 155 that I bought from Steve Johnson last Sept. I was missing 1 front wheel, the carb and air filter, the generator and most of the seat. The 3 original wheels have been sand blasted.
To get a look at the tractors and parts that are in Steves back yard in Salem, go to the Portland, Ore craigs list, click on farm and garden then type in Steve. He has 4 pictures posted. These tractors are his keepers. He has a room/extension on the back of his garage with 53 garden tractors.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>



This is the 155 that I got from Steve in Salem last Sept. I don't know how long it sat out in the rain. It isn,t as rusty as the 130. I've had this running
but the lift shaft runs thru both foot rests and the brake pedal. The whole 9 yards was rusted so the brake pedal would not go down. The brake pedal has to be down to move the hydro lever. BTW the Case in the picture at Steves is a 65 180. It's higher off the ground like a 195.
I got the tan parts for the 130 and the 155 painted this morning. The Case dealer in Kent found this Iron Guard desert sunset paint. Now I need to paint all the other parts Flambou Red.
Ed, nice progress! Is that a new decal on the hood in the background or did you mask it off?
It's the old decal, still in pretty good shape. The front of the hood was folded down like it had hit a fence post.
Looking like you are making some good progress on that old Case. My cousin is a Case fanatic, like I am about Cubs, I'll definitely show him what you have going. He just purchased a 155 in parts. Someone had started the resto and ran out of time, money, or ambition and he is going to finish it. Please post more pics as you continue to get 'em together.
Edward, Can't wait to see that Case put back together. I have always enjoyed looking at them, but have never driven one.