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Bakers Acres

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Jeff, very nice! You're spoiling those chickens.
Jeff, looks like Fawn and Stella have lots of weeds to take care for ya. Wow, that is a really nice chicken coop...I'm sure the chickens are grateful..lol

started our batch of 2015 goats, so far 3 girl and 1 boy, from 2 mamas, and three more mamas due.





Cool pics! Looks like the Momma's like cheesing for the camera. The three baby girls like getting their pic taken, and the little boy hiding out?
The pictures of the goat kids almost makes me want to get back into goats again. They sure were a lot of fun. Notice I did say almost.
Nice looking bunch of kids.
Lately we have had very low egg production from our 20 hens, and could not figure it out. Now in the last two weeks 8 of our birds where killed and had there head eaten.

We thought coon or possum, but not what the trail cam revealed. A weasel, and a killer one.

I know the pic is small, I'll send some to Kraig to post for us.


That sucks, Jeff.

That cussed weasel is still white, too.
Jeff, sorry to hear about the loss of your chickens. I'd say that's a weasel. Weasels turn white in winter except for a black tip on the tail, we have them up here in Wisconsin and they look exactly like this one.




And how do you propose to remedy this problem??? I'm sorry you have lost so many chickens in such a short time. Eggs lost are one thing but killing chickens is unforgivable. I'd be sitting out there with a .22 looking like a chicken.

Wayne I am still trying to figure out how to catch/kill it.

Thanks Kraig
Well I do not want to speak early, but no sighting since Thursday when I shot him once with a bb with ten pumps
and then he continued to run past me where I thumped him with the butt of the bb gun, he continued out the door and under the coop. And has not been seen since, hopefully taking a dirt nap.

Final count was ten chickens in 9 days and countless eggs
Well it's been a busy spring so far. The weasel is no longer around. and so far 5 of our goats have had kids for a total of 12, (one did not make it thru birth) and still have 3 moms due.






This was funny the cat did not expect the goat to sniff it and bolted
