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Archive through September 27, 2007

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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wow, 16" hitch huh? that will make for some good traction. and 650# class... that's feather lite. I don't think I could get mine down that far.

As far as tips, since HP isn't limited, build the biggest motor you can get your hands on.

As for traction, play with tire pressures. maybe 3-5psi to really get some rubber down. Or maybe 35-40psi to try to dig far down into that loose gravel.

It also didn't look like your tires were cut or "sharpened" that flat top tread probably isn't digging in as well as a fine end on the rubber lugs. roll the tires over some dry asphalt or concrete with chalk or water on the lugs. see what kind of print it makes.

There is a reason the big boys spend sooo much time cutting tires, for all traction. Even the offroad racing trucks cut brand new tires for different types of tracks. Rally cars too.

As you already know I'm sure, "once you have the power, the trick is getting it to hook up. then you can make more power."

but just my 2cents... take it as you want.
the 16 in drawbar don't mean to much. the hook point on the sled is very hi & the chain is pretty long. both defeat the hitch hieght
hey gang,
Help needed.
I have a new to me k341aqs
It has the Walbro Carb.
All my other cubs have the Carter.
It seems to run rich at wide open throttle. If I turn it down, it stumbles and belches black smoke when changing rpms from low to high.
Then gets up on its game.
Tractor is 1450 with loader.
Question for the cylinder head experts out there-
Does the 10hp Kohler Magnum (M10) head work with the large exhaust valve or just the small one?
CODY - Those clutch springs are actually stamping die springs for stripping the punched parts out of the dies....and they color code them. Check Midwest SuperCub's website and it compares the compressive force of the different colors. If I remember right red is 1180#, then blue is 950#, and stock is about 600#. More force equals less slippage of the clutch.
Thanks for the information. I am going to look that up and see what I find.
I am sorry for long url I will try to use tiny url next time.
Any takers yet on my Magnum head question?
Does the 10hp Kohler Magnum (M10) head work with the large exhaust valve or just the small one?
Second question for pullers out there-
What's the torque spec on the Midwest Super Cub rods that have the four 12-point bolts?
Can't Midwest Super Cub give you any info? I would assume that there's a torquing order as well as a torque spec, along with preparation of the threads ( to use or not use lubricant, thread locker, anti-seize, etc.).
I keep forgetting to post that I got my answer - 18ft*lbs
That's okay, I forget to post my questions, then wonder why nobody has answered. I wish you guys were better mind readers.
This one ain't bad lookin.
Any more pics of that ?
(Now why the heck did I sell my GS1000????) coulda had a twin to that...
I "sent" the sale link to my better half. She didn't take the hint.. Doesn't like motorcycles anymore...I tried to tell her it was just another Cub
GREG - I need more details of that "Generac" powerplant. Having worked just a few miles from Generac's plant in SE Wisconsin and having a co-worker who used to work for Briggs I'm a little curious...

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