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Archive through September 21, 2007

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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There's a collar welded to the axle mounting bracket that the roll pin goes through, so there's no way for the axle pin to move.
I am leaving the plow site now. conditions are great. Hope to see everyone there tomorrow. the soil is sandy so its like playing in a sandbox.
Terry B.
Rumor has it you have night plowing pics!

I was playing around with my new cuttin toy today, works pretty dang well too.
Looks like Charlie got 'imself a Plasma rig....

If ya did, watch how ya hold the straight edge, Charlie - you slip and ya can drag that flame right across your hand...<font size="-2">(don't ask how I know...)</font>
Kendell - At 30,000°F I don't think you should drag the plasma across your fingers to many times.
Mmm... I didn't notice any writing on it... I guess I have to look closer!
<font color="ff0000">Hi all,
On a 48" deck from a 1968 124, 2 out of 3 blades spin freely with the belt off, the 3rd seems tighter?!
When I loosen the grease fitting/screw slightly, it frees up? Is there a torque spec on these?
Also, what is the order of spacers and bearings, etc.. on the spindles?
Any help will be appreciated!<font face="courier new,courier"></font></font>}
Thanx Charlie,I saw that but I didn't see it (brain fart). Matt ,sounds like you have a bearing going out.
I have a 108 sitting pieces and want to figure what to do with it. Has any put a K 361 (18hp) on a wide frame? How difficult was it?
Thanks Kraig, now I feel dumb, it was yeller and everything, why didn't I see that? Musta been while I wasn't home
Matt R.,

What series mower deck do you have? A 124 would likely have a QA deck, but after nearly 40 years you never know for sure. I have had QA (serviceable) and QA-A (non-serviceable) series spindles apart, can't think of any reason the grease fitting bolt would bind up the spindle bearings, unless someone had them apart and reassembled them incorrectly or attached them to the deck incorrectly. The bolt holds the pulley on the bearing shaft. Is there a lot of debris under the pulley and between the top of the deck surface?

Matt R, etal: If you have the serviceable bearings, its my guess is that you just greased your deck and pumped the shafts full of grease. So, if the shaft frees up when the grease fitting (<u>only</u>) is loosened, it's likely you have jam packed grease under pressure in the bearings. You can lock up bearings with the grease under too much pressure. If it were mine, I would disassemble that spindle assembly and clean out all the old hardened grease plugging up the grease channels which is likely causing the pressure problem and reassemble and re-grease.

If you have the waterpump style bearing/shaft combo spindles then you may just have to replace it (ouch!).

Myron B
Ok guys,
These are the serviceable spindles, the bolt that goes thru the pulley to hold everything together is hollow with a grease fitting on top of the hex head.
It's not all greased up, because I just had it all apart, maybe a bearing is going bad. I'm going to put some grease where the shaft goes thru the oil seals to see if that helps.
Saga of the 129 rattle can refurb. Splittin' the tractor was straigtforward, no problems. Installing the new homemade neopreme gasket on the hydro pump went well as did reassembly. The "fight" arose when putting the rear end back in as a one man show but eventually I got the 6 bolts back home with the driveshaft, w/new rag joint, aligning and the linkages in proper positions. I also put on a new grass screen over the flywheel.
. It was actually alot of fun with country music and a good attutide. I must be getting old though, that rear end felt very heavy to lift up on the floor jack. All of the metal around the rearend and except the bottom of the rearend is just prepped and one coated.
More rattle cannin' tomorrow.




Since I had to leave early from Plow Day, Here's a few pics of what turned out to be ONE SUPER EVENT with perfect weather and perfect plowing conditions.
A BIG THANKS goes to Bob H and Tony M. for hosting the event.
Those that couldn't make it sure missed a great time.
Just a few of many that were there,

Kraig doing what Kraig does,

HEY! At least it wasn't me this time! LOL

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