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Archive through September 16, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2004
Frank A. Currier(Northern Maine)
Page is turned.
Cut the grass today with the 70...
you know the white grass will take it's place soon....

Lewis D. We're just starting to get some rain now. The grass has to turn green again before any of that danged white stuff shows up.
Had a ride today on my 1512 diesel. I was going to haul my wood splitter up from the road to my house. looking back over my right shoulder I moved the go lever to go ahead instead of back. It did get my heart pumping when I felt it go down over the bank.Had to use my ATV to wench it back to level ground.


Hope this picture is ok posted here, I don`t want to poke the Bear!
Hope nothing other than your pride was hurt...
Don...a Cub in the timber is worth more than 2 in the shed!!!!

Sorry couldn;t help it
The tractor did not get damaged , but I had to bail off so it would not roll on it`s left side.

At last count I think I have 14 or 15 Cubs in two sheds . way to many for just one guy. I will get a few ready to sell in the spring .
Gerry Ide

Both are hard to find some times . I should learn to look at what I`am posting . There are way to many guys that will pick up on my errors . All in good fun. I was passed a letter to read in class once that was completely a mess . I read the whole paragraph to the class . the teacher had hoped I could not understand the letter so she could give us a long winded ( ) on grammar and all that other good stuff lol. Ask a question about what you just versed to see if it all fell on deaf ears.Of course the smartest thing you can do is talk to yourself. the answer will amaze you . lo just for you Gerry
Don - wasn't meaning to poke at ya - that cartoon and the Winch, Wench, Wrench thing are a common joke with me and my next door neighbor - every time the 12 volt winch comes out for some work, the joke is on again...
Hows that Gerry? When the winch is needed a wench shows up and throws a wrench into everything.? <font size="-2">Or was that a dork wrench?</font>

Dont anyone get offended, I'm recovering from Forum shock.