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Archive through September 08, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Good Morning Everyone. "Angel Here". Marlin has taken off to run errands. He asked me if I wanted to go, and I politely declined. I really didnt feel like riding shot gun...lol.

I do read along in the forum. Marlin and I share what is said in the posts and what is going with with everyone and working on their Cubbies

If you install the valve plates incorrectly the tractor will just make more noise. Are you sure you are noticing a change in the sound, or are you just thinking you are? Maybe it always sounded like that but you just didnt notice?

Story time. A manufacturer of engines for garden tractors created a nylon timing part/cam part to create a ' quietier' sound in the tractors as a selling point. The problem? After about 700 hours the part went KAPHOOEY because it was made of nylon. Quieter yes, but not effective. The tractor owner would take his tractor in, to get it replaced, only to find out that the new and IMPROVED and UPDATED part for the tractor was made of steel/metal. Now, the owner gets the tractor home and notices a noticable noise factor. He complains to the dealer, only to get this response, which they were cued to say by the company. " It ALWAYS sounded like that, you just never noticed it before". True story.

Marlin told me this story awhile back and this just come to mind when reading the posts about noise and the valve plates not being installed properly. He was told this story not once by a good friend/mechanic who works on large and small engines but also by small engine owners. The point? Is this kind of like a parable? or not? lol.

Can we compare the IH Cubbie manuals or any manual to the Bible? That jumped into my head as I was reading. How throughly do you read the Bible and live by it and honor the do's and don's? The old testement offered from God the 10 Commandments. Now, it didnt go into great detail as to what all was going to happen if you broke the commandents. It was just " thou shall not". The Manuals are " do this"... thou shall not. See my point? ((smiles))

Of course, you can all disagree or agree with Marlin. I do have to scratch my head when he takes the time to sit down and offer guidance, only to be dismissed. He doesn't take time early in the morning before going to work to answer posts or offer help for an ego boast. He truly and sincerely wants to help you guys out. I know he has continually directed everyone to specific manuals or sites to insure you read the info properly before undertaking a project or to assist with a problem.

IF we dont follow directions, we are going to make mistakes. Ever made a cake and forgot the eggs? You end up with a very flat cake.!! Life is about making mistakes, learning from those, which then offers us wisdom..or the other way is ~as Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

We are life students and we are teachers.

Rich. Good luck on the write up on repairing a Pump. Make sure you are very specific and don't leave out one step, however minor it might seem. You may think everyone will know how to do whatever, but don't leave anything out.. some need every little detail. Perhaps you need to write up...do this.. and IF YOU don't..this will happen. ((smiles)). My personal thought. When submitting it to Charlie to critique, I would offer it to Marlin as well, since he has the knowledge in buidling the pumps and rebuilds. Just my opinion.

I hope you all have a great week-end..

Sending good thoughts on the wind to everyone..
" Angel"
Rich T. No offense here. We don't all agree on everything. It's a good thing, if we did we all might be driving those Ugly Originals.
Rich...you're a pilot? COOL!! I flew as a kid. Had 370 hours logged in private aircraft by the time I was 10 years old. I LOVED flying. Nothing more freeing then being in a LITTLE plane, above the earth, looking down upon it...a different perspective. Every time a little private plane goes over, to this day..50 years later, my passion and desire to be sitting in that plane stirs my heart..and you didnt stir up a hornets nest. You didnt get stung...did ya? lol

never stop asking questions..and I bet Marlin wil never stop answering..unless you want him to.

sending good thoughts your way..

Kentucky Ken..sitting here laughing myself silly. I dont think Marlin is going to laugh with the comment.." tune all you want..its still a Dodge"...hehehe. Our mechanic said the two worst brands to have? FORD and DODGE..and OF COURSE that is the TWO WE have. Well, everyone start the riot act. Please don't. That DODGE is beyond a thorn in Marlins side..TRUST ME on that one, umm, and I'm not a laughing now. I'm around to witness when he has to fix and repair the DODGE and its not the same energy as when he's a workin' on those little cubbies.. hahaha...

here's a pic of miss Annie and her newspaper addiction. Truly she is addicted to the morning paper. During the week IF I DON'T give her the sports section, she will not rest and let me read the rest of the paper and on week-ends, she gets the classifieds..as you see here. No photo op her or me covering her up with the paper..she did that herself..


Just another day in Paradise. Must be all those good thoughts Angel's sending on the wind?

Marlin: I can't find the lyrics to "The Next Door Neighbor's Kids". Link?
P.S. WHY HYDRO'S NEED BRAKES -- driveshaft pins break - usually going up or down a hill!
Just got back from getting parts for the Dakota and visiting with a couple of long time friends that now more about ALL the little engines than I will ever know. I had to hold back when they started chatting about the 15Us and their experiences. They tried to tell me the hydro will run backwards... No wait... if you install the charge pump on backwards then it will run backwards.... I knew they were pulling my leg of course.

Rich T. Please DON'T ever stop posting and asking questions. As Richard C. stated very well that we don't always agree however we still respect others here. AND I HIGHLY respect the great people on this site.

As Angel said about manuals and the Bible... Just a few thoughts on those things. First of all as i stated before GOD gave us Ten Commandments. MAN wrote the BIBLE... and as usual he didn't do a very great job of listening to GOD wioth that Shop Manual either. there are several types of manuals. Onwer's/Operator's, Service and Repair, etc. A manual is written to be simplistic and to be able to explain a process correctly using as short amount of words in and pictures as possible so the end result result is a quick teardown and reassembly of the part or machine to get it up and running as quickly as possible. Further more a manual IS NOT going to state that if you DON'T do this then thirty-five gizmos and eighteen what-cha-ma-call-its are going to fly at at you and severe parts of your body that you may need for future reference when performing certain functions. check around and if you do find a manual that does explain literally every basic thing of what to and NOT TO DO because of... this will or won't happen. when you find it let me know. It will be some interesting reading.

Has anyone ever thought that within the "section of the IH Service Manual for the Wide Frame Tractors on page 2-47" that it is telling you the correct orientation and that is all? It doesn't have to go into detailed information on what if you don't know install the valve plates incorrectly orientation-wise. I ask this.... Should it be necessary to explain that in great detail? ..... Remember how in Dennis F.'S posts about how IH tried to cut cost of printing by eliminating one e in the word employee? Okay... Now how many of you guys would take time to read the "What Happens Section if you DON'T follwo this procedure ...." when all you want to do is get your Cub Cadet or in my case right now my DUDGE (sorry KEN, I couldn't resist
) up and running correctly? Be Honest now.

One final thought.... with this people that haven't primed their pump and it still worked... Maybe they were fortunate/lucky... THAT TIME. If you guys want to literally talk about pumps and their functionality then let's start chatting about such shop talk words as threshhold, droop, milliamps & crossover.
Frank C. Cool picture.
(I'm going to have to order the record off Ebay to get the lyrics to that song.)

Enough talk about hydros.... I'm ready to go fully gear drive. right now I'm gonna rest a half hour to get rid of this migraine and then go out and load up the neighbor's branches that he trimmed. And the work on the Dakota... (<font size="-2">darn Dudges</font>).

Happy Cubbing everyone!!!
Marlin: Don't do it! (Go strictly to gear drives, that is). That trailer hooked behind Penny (She's a 123) had been sitting in soft ground for a year. Working alone (with a hydro I'm never alone) I was able to hook the trailer up and move it. Although in no hurry, I'd have been a lot longer if I'd been dealing with a gear drive. Pics tomorrow of the September 11, 2001 tenth anniversary memorial get-together I'm planning. All that are within coming here distance are invited.

Those lyrics aren't on the internet, are they?
Go ahead Marlin, you have to make a decision some day, why not start with what gear to put it in.
Frank C. Nope those lyrics wont be on line until I buy the record and then put them on. Now if I could figure out how to hook my stereo up to the computer then I'd download Tom Bresh's "Old Cold Shoulder" onto youtube.

Dave Ross. I already have one gear drive Clarence, (102) only he needs a complete engine overhaul. And then a 104 will be coming next spring. He'll be repowered with a 12 hp simply because he'll be more of a Plow Day tractor. Clarence will remain stock ten horse though. Right now if the darn Dakota would quit giving me fits whereas I fix one thing and then something else goes wrong I could get ahead enough to actually get the 12 horse Kohler up and running. I got it turned up and when I went ot change the fuel filter I noticed the steel line has a tiny pin hole in it. I'm wondering if I can just cut that piece out and install a longer rubber hose line in its place. Any thoughts wold be appreciated at this point. This is cutting into my Cub time big time.

Off to bed. it has been one LONG day. <font size="-2">Maybe I hould go green. They never break down.</font>

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