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Archive through September 08, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Interesting...I've not had to log on for 3 or 4 days now, and my username/password stays in the box.
Mine has been working fine as well. Could be that I use an
version of Firefox.

One thing I've noticed that's different here anyway, is the web address. This is what the active forum page address looks like on my browser:


It used to look like this:


The archived pages also appear different. For example, the "Archive through September 06, 2010" web address looks like this:


In the past the archived pages web address used to look like this:


Not sure why the "?" and extra numbers are now there. Just an observation. Perhaps it's from Charlie and Bryan poking around in the Discus code.

Thanks for that link,that cost me some time looking lol. I just could not stand all that green but was surprised that I could read all the post and look around with out logging in
This confuser I have can be a pain ,I have the latest Firefox (Mozilla) and there all a pain.I prefer working on Cub Cadets because at least I can repair them most times lol.It dose seem that lately there are a lot of forms having the same issues.All the teck guys want to do is sell software and that is like cars and everything else. I do like the way this form works(before) but have gotten lost on a few others
. The confuser are here to stay and there not going to get any easier to live with for sure. I hear my wood splitter calling.

hold on it could be worse and it does look like the site main page address has gotten changed. I wonder if that is the issue ?
I posted that last message using FireFox. I'm now on IE and I still have to log on every time I post. This evening I'll try Opera and Camino and see what happens.
I am putting the engine tin and such back on the K301 for my 129. I have apparently lost the thick washer (p/n KH-X-25-76) that goes behind the 5/8-18 nut on the crank for the flywheel drive cup assembly. Will a regular washer work here or will the threads run out before it tightens? The reason I ask is the washer that it had is very thick and I assume there is a reason.

Terry, what version of Firefox? The one I use here at work is old (Firefox/ and still loads the images properly. At home on my tower PC I have the most recent version (whatever that is) and it always fails to properly load the images.
On my daughter's laptop it has the old version that still loads the images. I've not tried to log in from home recently so I'm not sure how any of those PCs deal with the log in. When I get home I'm tired of PCs and don't really care to turn one of them on.
Wayne, The parts look-up is calling that a common 5/8" flat washer. If you are worried about not having enough threads, pre-assemble the parts and slide the washer on the shaft and mark the protruding threads with a marker, then remove the parts and see how many threads are behind the washer. Thicker washers can normally be found at better hardware stores..
Kraig, Charlie and others, I have jumped in and out of the main Forum a few times and noted the address stayed the same, but different from other people !
Is that # a cookie identifier ?? Is this a clue or more crud in the mystery??
A few minutes later update, I went completely out of the site and reentered...now the number in the address is higher than the previous one, gotta be a serial/sequence #!
Thanks for the wisdom on the tires, I'm going to paint the sides black and look stupid doing it, Then I'll buy new ones. How do you like my new tag line?
I've only had to log back in once while using Firefox
3.6.9 ?? Anyhow I made progress on the 149 refurb. The assembly looks a little different from when it was removed.


Thankfully the worm gear is smooth with no pits so with a new follower and following Richard C.'s FAQ,,,, plus adding the Super Steer upgrade from Dave Kirk on top of the Steering Column repair kit should make this thing like power steering....

Using a front spindle bearing for the top of the steering shaft/tube is a very nice upgrade but I found that although the bearing was a nice fit on the shaft it was loose in the tube. I found that by cutting a large worm gear clamp (hose clamp) to the proper circumference and working it with sturdy needle nose pliers for an hour or so to get the proper fit, that the clamp material thickness was perfect for a tap in fit. I left the clamp material about 1/8" up out of the tube and gently tapped the bearing home. That left the clamp material at the very top of the tube. It made a great fit. You can see in the picture that I removed the cut part of the clamp (what is that called?) so I was only working with solid metal.

Did some more cleaning and prep.


Anyone got a clue as to the copper color on the shaft?

I wire wheeled out all of the rust on the tube, Ospho'd, let it sit in the Fl. sun till crusty (chime in any time Matt about the heat and humidity) feathered the existing paint to the tube hung it up, put the heat gun to it for a while, let it cool, a coat of self etching primer,,,,,, very little sanding,,,,, anther coat of filler primer,,, then shot some rattle can TSC black on the tube.


This 149 will live again.....

My question to the forum is weather I should shoot some over spray/drips on the steering tuhe and other various parts........(grin)

Now that I have retired I have the fever bad.

Engine fever is ever worse. I'm attempting a Killer Kohler. I've found a wonderful machine shop that's able to do specs. and the folks are nice to boot. Good machines too.

Where are the Fl. Cubbers......?? Tim, Rick, Mike,and other...
Richard T.-

Looking good!

Actually, I think the heat/humidity felt worse back in IL than it does here. Maybe further inland it would feel worse, but I'm like 3 miles from the ocean, so...

Richard: What's the chance that a lot of your original steering box problems came from the 149's steering wheel not having the "decal" plate on it and water got into the top of the tube and down into the box? I had a 123 come in with a broken box and wonder if it got enough water/cold into it that it froze and broke. I know -- hard for that to happen in Florida!
Richard, That copper color you ask about looks like the steering shaft was brazed onto the worm gear at the factory..
...and the Jeep just sat there and chuckled...
Frank & Richard,

For the price of a Beer you can keep the water out of your steering box.When I'm too cheap for a steering decal or have a worker Cub ;
I take a cap off of a beer bottle (I always seem to have one handy). The beer cap fits just right on top of the nut.
Best of all, you can change out with your current favorite flavor.
Rick, THAT makes the cost of the dues we pay to come here worth every penny!