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Archive through September 06, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I picked up what I think is Montgomery front mounted reel mower for a narrow frame. It appears complete and in pretty good condition. Does anybody out there have pictures of one of these mounted on a tractor and/or an owner's manual/parts manual? I'll try to post some pictures of it Monday. Thanks.
Clutch question,
Is there supposed to be a colllar or pilot bering in the three pin driver plate on a 1X8 tractor?? Something looks odd there. Also the clutch rattle spring. According to the parts look up only one is used. Is that correct?

Thanks to Mike Masheris on a little help today on my Hot Rod 1448. He tracked down the electricial problem and the tractor is now on the front burner again.
Does anybody have a picture of the crankshaft-mounted pulley that goes on an Original to drive a BB-36 snow-thrower?

If I'm reading the parts manuals correctly, it's a different pulley than what drives a cogged-belt deck for the same tractor.

And just in case you're wondering, YES it is time to start thinking about this stuff!
I searched the archives for an answer and didn't find a definitive one.... What on-tractor options were available immediately for the early (3 digit) CCOs? Fenders, electric start, spring lift assist and lights? I assume the Danco creeper gear was also immediately available since the installation instructions give dimensions/locations to drill a 1" hole in the frame? When did the frame hole come standard from the factory?
Tom H
Clutch question answer. Yes and Yes.
Three clutch anti rattle springs have been known to cause the clutch to not release. Just one will keep the clutch from rattling..........providing it stays on. I don't use any.
Not too hip on the strech, but I do like the Monster Cub in one if the photos
HI ART! I have to agree with TOM. For some reason the immortal words of Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park keep going thru my head, "Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD."

And it's never too early to worry about snow removal and equipment. I have my #1 snow mover all ready to go already, blade & chains all on, have been ready to push snow for many months actually.... right around TEN months to be exact! ;-)
Hi,what year did cub cadet (original) come w-Danco creeper gear 61,62,63,Thanks to all.
I don't think the Original "Came with" a creeper. Pretty sure it was dealer installed. As far as year.....you got me.

Isn't that a little "stretch" of the imagination???
I'll add some pictures to go with my post from yesterday looking for information on the front mounted narrow frame reel mower. The decal is in rather bad shape, but with all you sharp-eyed, knowledgeable folks on the forum, hopefully someone can decipher it. Also looking for pictures of one installed on a tractor and/or a operator's/parts manual. Thanks




David: Nice job on the cultivator! Always nice to see attachments on these old Cub Cadets, so people can see how versatile they were (and are). I find that at the "big" tractor shows people will spend more time looking at a rusty implement than the shiny, restored tractor that's pulling it.
Evening all. Having difficulty finding a NF hydraulic lift cylinder and wondering if the early WF lift cylinders are the same except for the clevis that attaches to the rock shaft. Also, anyone have a close up pic showing how the stabilizer bracket attaches to the dash tower. Thanks

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