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Archive through September 02, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Everything on your 124 can be rebuilt or aparts can be found through the wonderful vendors/sponsors at the top of the page !!!!!!!!!

If you may think a price is a little high just remember your statement about a 7K replacement.

ASk questions, do some research, look up the FAQs and anything and everything you need will be answered.

Here's my answers.

-Can I order a complete wiring kit with instructions? Contact a Vendor listed above -they'll either have it or direct you to the correct person
-Can I fix my clutch issue where it doesn't stop spinning for 10+ seconds? Both the transmission clutch can be rebuilt. Sounds like your brakes need to be adjusted.
-Can I order a new deck or send this one for a re-build? the spindles seem OK but I dont know how to check that. There are decks leaned up against most everyones wall, or stacked somewehere in their shed, maybe post an ad in the wanted section
-Where can I order all new belts? See the FAQs for the correct size, then contact a vendors/sponsor.
-What about an air filter? I just have some foam in there now. Definitely get a NEW filter, plus a foam prefilter - contact a vendor/sponsor
-where can I get a new steering ball joint? - contact a vendor/sponsor

See your post is proof why we love these old Cub Cadets, can you imagine that 7K mower running with duck tape, etc - it definitely would NOT
Erik P.-

It sounds like your 124 is in the shape most tractors are that follow these members home. Everything you mentioned can be remedied by clicking on the boxes found at the top of every page. I'd start with Binder Books and get the manual then start from there. You might also consider taking LOTS of pictures before disassembly for future reference. I have two 124s and they are great tractors that will still be working when I start pushing up daisys. Like any machine it will require maintenence.

I will add that checking the spindles usually just means grabbing a blade and try moving it side to side (best to do this with deck removed from tractor). If the deck makes excessive noise this might be another sign of needed attention.

It sounds like you have your work cut out so I'd suggest taking it "one thing at a time".

Good luck!
Erik, regarding the drive shaft:

Charlie -

I've lurked and posted occasionally on the Forum since March of '98. I commend you for the work you've done to keep the Original Forum going, which, we might recall, was started by a love for, Originals.

It might be appropriate to run the "things we can learn from a dog" post sometime soon!

Thanks again, Charlie.
I am using it for added weight

I just heard about usingtiresealer or foam .

It had the added advantage of not getting a flat tire
Ronald, I'd go with the windshield washer fluid. Also be sure to use inner tubes. Here's a link to a way to fill them. Click on the link then scroll down to my post on Monday, November 06, 2006 - 11:46 am, where I reposted some info by Wyatt Compton and Steve Blunier on how to fill tires. The post is near the bottom of the page.

Charlie; this forum is outstanding I use it everyday, I also use a sponser when applicable, and when at our county fair ran into one of the sponsers and told them their money supporting this is well spent.
The format is the best and easy to use for me. No matter what you do people will complain, some just arnt happy if they are not complaining I have a coworker like that. And before anyone calls me a butt kisser I thought about complaining once when I got
but after thinking about it and reading the rules I relized I was wrong by not following the rules that keep this free and fun and honest.

Now on topic this winter I plan on using my snow plow on my 129 instead of my 128 has anyone have side by side comparrison on which is better for pushing snow hydro or gear drive?
Jeff, Do you have a heated garage? Hydros do NOT like to start below 32 degrees...I use a model 100 with the large battery box and have my deep cycle marine battery in there..It always starts below zero..In fact I use it for the neighborhood start cart when it is super cold..lol
Well,I have to admit, when I first came to this forum I did'nt know who or what "digger" was. Actually I kinda thought the guy was a jerk. I thought the whole thing was another forum with a bunch of jerks and know it alls that just wanted to argue about stupid crap. I think in the beginning I even got in trouble with charlie...After a couple months I relized that there were good guys on this forum, good people. And I realized that charlie actually had a cool side to him also. I have to agree with ya charlie,I guess you gotta keep things in order. If you dont things will just turn into chaos and be just like the other forums. A bunch of hard head jerks arguing about stupid crap. Most of which won't even be on topic or even about tractors!! SO,CHARLIE, YOU HAVE MY RESPECT. THer are some good people on this forum. And the others can just FK OFF!! Like charlie said, this is OUR fkn forum and the jerks can go somewhere else. Now on topic...its not just a garden tractor charlie! Its a psyhcological problem with me!! lmao
When Bryan posts twice in the same week I feel like it must be time for me to stop by and say HI.