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Archive through September 01, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I guess you could retrofit power steering on to that 982 and then you'll be good to go on whatever deck you want.
Out of those four you should be able to get one good tractor out of the deal,maybe two if the 125 has a good motor.
Your other motors are correct,make sure the spring is on proper also.
Don T
Still watering the driveway?
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Dennis Frisk (Dfrisk) on Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 05:04 am:

TRISTAN - I've never been around a Q/L so can't really comment on the clutch more than Glen E. already has. But I have a MWSC clutch in my 72, billet pressure plates & the yellow spring I think, even with the extension on the release arm the clutch is too stiff IMHO to be used as a working tractor, and not THAT many yrs ago I could hold down the clutch pedal on semi-tractors with 14 inch dia. twin disc clutches thru some VERY long winded stop lights.

I have the OEM clutch disc in that 72 and I will say the clutch WILL NOT SLIP. But next time it's apart I will be going back to a closer-to-stock setup. Maybe shim the OEM spring a bit, stock clutch release lever, and put my driveshaft brake back on.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
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Dennis, think I forgot to respond to this. Yeah a super stiff clutch is not what I'd like either on a daily driver.. err I mean mower. Although thier yellow spring is the highest one, the red one I think is less. Anyone have the MWSC clutch with red spring and can comment? You mentioned shim the spring, do you put washers or something like that in there? If there is something I can do atleast temporarily that would really help since I'm going to be hauling firewood wood with it this weekend (if you recall the panoramic photo I had of it near the pipeline in the woods - those hills). </font>}
TRISTAN - WHAT are we doing on the forum at THREE AM?!?!

My MWSC clutch has a movable spring retainer, clamps on with two 1/4" capscrews, I can increase/decrease tension on the pressure spring but haven't changed it since Julian assembled it. Like I said even with the extended T/O arm the clutch is too still IMHO. And I can't run my dirt/grass plate under the clutch anymore. Also the linkage ratios are all out of whack between the clutch & brake functions. Might be O-K on a puller but not O-K on a working tractor.

To get by, you would have to put 3 or 4 flatwashers between the pressure spring and the rollpin retainer for the spring, it really doesn't increase the spring rate but increases clutch pressure.

Also, any time you have a clutch in a CC apart it's a good idea to replace the teaser spring, unless you just installed it last week.

My 2008 MWSC cat. shows the red spring is 800#, yellow is 1120# force, stock is either 400# or 600#, darn CRS. Either red or yellow spring is $26.
Lewis P. Sadly the 125 doesn't have an engine or much anything. I do have a 10 and 12 horse block that I will include with the tractors and another set of parts to rebuild the 125 steering column if someone wants to rebuild a tractor. One block will go with one tractor so one tractor may become a 104 or a 107. Someone cut the shaft off to remove the steering wheel on the 125. I really don't want to see the tractors (Massey included) parted the same as I didn't want to see them scrapped. I'll sell them for what they cost me plus the gas money to get them. The engine in the 127 with deck actually turns over and is missing the starter/generator. It may run. I just know that Angel wants to see them gone ASAP (hopefully to good homes though). We loaded them with a loader so the next time will take a little longer.

Brian S. That is great news.

This little item followed me home from an auction this spring. It is one of the reason that I want to make a CAT 0 hitch for at least the 125 or Clarence and now the 147.


Off to work... ya'll have a good day!!!
Thanks Guys for all the input.
I think if I come across a great deal on a 60" I'll prolly get it. I think it would work best for my application. Thanks again!
Steve B., yeah I probably should have posted this as well.


Brian S., CUBGRATULATIONS to you and your brother's on the start of your 10th year of Cadet Connection magazine!

Richard T., nice progress.

I have a red spring in my 582 with otherwise stock clutch, and I have the spring compressed a bit over 3/4", so it's at about 650#. It handles the tractor's 18 hp without slipping in any gear. It isn't really much harder to actuate than the stock spring. I have a locking collar at the rear of the spring instead of a spirol pin so I can use my clutch spring compressor to change the amount of compression while the clutch is in the tractor.
Don T. Tie some ropes around your new Cub shed and tie a Cub on each end. Looks like you guys gonna take a direct hit on Saturday. Only good news is that it will cool your driveway some more.
Allen Schumacher

I hope Chris got his O working ?

yep we are supose to get a blow here ( once every 5 years). Who knows why lol. I`am ready and yes the 4" A could use a cooling. The guys that paved it said , the mixe has more rock and glue for my trucks weight.I could use some cool weather soon.the pool is 87 deg. But B**r (Scott) si helping me bear it all lol.I do hope we get the rain.Enjoy live(this is it)