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Archive through October 28, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kent Shultz
Thats a great looking tractor and I do like the front tires. Your problem sounds like its coil related,Coils sometimes don`t give any trouble till they get hot from use. Do you have another coil you could install and test this idea?
Clothespins on the fuel-line?

Yes, like Don said, it could be a bad coil, or the mechanical fuel pump is going bad. (They sometimes only show "bad" when everything heats up.)

The next time this happens, pull a sparkplug (or two) and see if you have a good strong (BLUE) spark on both sides. If that seem's "right", then (carefully!) pull the fuel line off the carb inlet, point it into a container and have someone turn the key to check for fuel flow. If you have a small vice-grips, I'd HIGHLY recommend pinching off the fuel line upstream of the carb as you remove it so you don't splash fuel all over a HOT engine!
Something to keep in mind, it will be less expensive for a machine shop to remove the broken bolt now, than it will to remove it if it is "boogered up" or damaged more by any failed attempts at removing it.

I don't know about you guys, but I have NEVER seen a good, blue spark from any KT or Magnum twin. Every one I've had (6 or so) has had this weak, orange spark, yet they all still ran great all day long.
sticky exhaust valve on a 128, K301A.

tried auto lite spark plug in my 128 with the stalling problem, still stalls.
a sticky exhaust valve has been suggested many times.
engine hot tanked cleaned and valves reseated after I bought it. I have been adding MMO to the gas.
assuming it is a sticky exhaust valve, and assuming the hot tank and the MMO did not free it, how do I fix it for good? rebuild or replace the engine?
I cant replace the one valve, can I? I mean, if I go that far, wouldn't it make more sense to rebuild the engine?

You can easily replace one or both valves. It requires the head and side plate to be removed and a valve spring compressor. It will take a little time but the valve isn't that expensive especially if that solves your chronic problem.

It might be worth a try.

Good luck!
Home of the Plow Special

Art , thanks for that , just to see what and how that was built was great. I have a capenter here that told me he can make that from wood. Then I can take the crose brace out and store it in my new Cub Shed.I will save my steel for something else.I think that will make it much easier to paint a cub and save lots of time in the long run. I will get it built and give it a try. Thanks Don T
FRANK - There's a writer for Red Power Magazine that writes a column called "The Tractor Doctor" that in the new Nov/Dec, '2010 issue addressed the Kohler sticking exh. valve problem. He says it's due to carbon deposits on the exh. valve stem due to the use of NON-LOW ash motor oil. It tightens up the already tight tolerance between the valve guide and valve stem.

My K241 in my 72 used to stick the exh. valve slightly on long hard pulls but would never stall, just start sounding "Hollow", slow down, and I'd hit the clutch or turn off the mower and it would cool enough & free up the exh, valve and run O-K for a while longer. When I took the engine apart it had a thin layer of very hard carbon on the exh valve stem just like the picture in this article showed . It also had a layer a quarter inch thick of dirt & crud stuck to the front & sides of the box that the valve springs are in which I'm sure kept it much hotter. The problem got much less frequent when I richened up the main fuel needle a quarter turn or so.

So I'd turn the top screw on your carb counter-clockwise a quarter turn and see if it gets better, if so, turn it another quarter turn, if it still bothers I'd pull the head & breather cover and replace or clean the exh. valve. And yes, you can replace just the exh. valve, I ALWAYS replace the exh. valve on an engine rebuild, but have never replaced an intake valve.

My K241 made a very distinctive sound when the valve would stick, I had the little "Pepper-shaker Muffler" on it, your BIG chambered muffler may quiet the exh. enough you can't hear the change in tone.

I tried MMO in that K241 for a couple tanks of gas and it made NO difference, all the plug does is light the fire in the combustion chamber. But turning up the main fuel needle made an instant change, it cools the combustion flame temp. which lowers exh valve temp.

Also use the Stellite exh. valve, more expensive but well worth the added cost on a hard working engine. Far as rebuilding the rest of the engine, piston, rings, etc, without knowing more about the engine it's impossible for me to say. I'd fix the valve first, change to Low Ash oil and run it.
thanks for the exhaust valve advice. I have never rebuilt an engine, but I did not think replacing just the exhaust valve was a good idea. I will try just the valve before I send it out for rebuild. realistically, i will probably just use the engine from the 129 I just bought. lot cheaper then a rebuild.
the reason why I have resisted the exhaust valve suggestions is because the engine was hot tank cleaned, which, I assume, would clean the valve.
when I put the 129 engine in, I will check the valve in the 128. can always use a spare engine.
Thanks Charlie
I got your package today with just $20.30 duity . but I do have a question as to what do I do with the foam with the holes


And your so fast shipping that the blower is not ready for all them new parts.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
Art, I already have a new fuel pump so I doubt that that is it. I'm not sure if I put new plugs in or not.
You would think I would've. I'll try new plugs and look into the coil. Thanks again. I will report back sometime.
Don T.
This is a G rated forum, so I'll send you an email with detailed instructions on how and where to put those!
Charlie "Digger" Proctor

Always be respectful .


This got to be good for sumptan ?
Don, I suppose you could use the foam for Senior Citizen chair cushons !

Did Charlie send you that neat folding stool also ??
PS: sent the foam pieces to Marlin H. ...his new kitten would love it! His wife will love you too when she cleans up the confetti!
If you put wheels on the sides, would you be known as a 'holeee roller'!!<font size="-2">Ohhhh, sorry,cant help myself</font>
Allen Schumacher
Canadian Tire just 8.00 each .


This cost much more , air pressure is important,You could slide off .
