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Archive through October 27, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Tom -

Didn't mean I'd buy the beer for us

You have a PERFECT opportunity to drop a 16hp in there... Steve, care to help this gentleman?
WAY COOL! Bryan... Having spent 5 year OTR, I kinda figured that 500 miles of Peoria would catch 'most' folks... 'cept for our "down easters", "nor'easters", "No'wetters", and the "Great Southwest". But where are J.S. and Weaver? Gadget

(Message edited by mrgadget on October 27, 2003)
Ken, Lessee 35th will be in 2006, that gives me less than three years to plan...
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

We're there, Dude. <font size="-2">Bevis & Butthead</font><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Sounds like alot of F-U-N to me. Hey Bucket, you wanna go too? Maybe Leigh will want to go to. Can you say....CONVOY.....

Me thinks that the 50th will be a retirement vacation to me.... Yippee...

Did you get the pic's of the monsters.

Believe it or not, you can still check the air pressure and add air to the tires with them attached.

They are going on my 1450. Ought to help it push snow.
Looks like a PD at I-39 and I-80 or I-88 would be the perfect center of over 90% of the membership...too bad there isn't a pin there!!!!!

1st you need to pull the engine. Take off grill housing and hood. 4 Bolts from under the frame hold the engine. Disconnect the electrical and the throttle and choke cables and slide forward and lift out. Assuming the deck belt is not still on the pto.

Check the damage in the engine. If not hurt, one of the sponsors near the top of this page can sell you the necessary items to rebuild. Probably will have to turn the crank and maybe bore the cylinder. They can provide the proper rod and piston as well as gaskets.

Next contact Kraig for Kohler specs needed to rebuild.

A little over $100 for parts plus boring and crank work. Might want to change points and rebuild carb while you are at it.

Nothing intimidating....Just do it.

If the Hydro drive shaft does not have the fan on it, now is a good time to replace it with one from one of the sponsors above.

Some of this may be a little over simplified but it should get you started.

Plenty of forum guys to help you along.

No pics yet! By the way, are you aware of / going to the antique tractor auction Krausz is having in Bellville Saturday? no cubs listed, but an AC "G", and most impressive and rare, a Moline UDLX Comfort Tractor (cross between a tractor and a car, maybe the original SUV). Wish I had nothing to do and a lot of built up brownie points with the Mrs. -- I would come see you and the auction.

I was looking around for torque specs for my 1512 cub cadet(same as 782d). I couldn't find any, when I came across an old posting from 2001 that wanted to know the same thing. I did some more looking and found some equations that will give torque if you have the horsepower and rpm's of the motor. If anyone's interested I can post them. I did some calculations on torque at the wheels to but the whole thing is at least a page long typed. If anyone's interested I can post it but ain't gonna if noone is cause it's long.
Gadget -

KENtucky's pin is there cuz I've got his address...
Michael Kennedy,
I just rebuilt a 10 HP from my 107.
It was not a bad job. Get a manual from www.binderbooks.com. It was very helpful. I had a shop in Williamsport, PA boil, bore, and seat the valves for $75. Have your shop check the head, mine was warped. I fixed that myself, being a machinist. I sandblast everything and painted it. I have about $300 total in the job. This includes a front pto rebuild and a cendec tach/hour meter. www.sendec.com/meters/




Bryan, Tom -

What's Skip gonna load for ya? with the beer, remember who's right next door to those guys
Craig -

That's why the beer won't be for us

I miss the PD's "top ten list of things NOT to say to the nice Elburn officer that just pulled you over"
Michael Kennedy,
I forgot to include this. Yes, it's the actual recording of the rebuilt engine tarting up. After tune up and 3 hours break-in, of course. "HOW BAD HAVE YOU GOT IT!"
Micheal Kennedy,
I used to go camping around Bellefontaine, Ohio. I live 80 miles north in Van Wert county. Try checking with local vocational school(High Point Vocational). Get in touch with small motor or ag shop. They can do the work or recomend a good machine shop in the area.
Make sure you get a repair manual as Rich Wright suggested. My manual is a Kohler manual that deals with IH Cub Cadets only.
I spent around $325 on a 14 horse Kohler this spring. Motor was in several boxes when I purchase my 149 Cub. This was part of my Son's small motor 4-H project. He won his class at the Ohio State Fair last August.
Fell free to PM me on any question(s) you have.
Hey...did you see the "ORIGINAL" on Ebay, $8000.00 for 700 hours of work. Not a bad labor rate!!
Rich W., any chance you could send me, via email, high resolution versions of your rebuild photos? Thanks in advance.

Bryan, nice hubs! Um, do you remove the cans from the stacks before you turn the Kohler over or do you just blow them off?

Art, the K301 in the #2 125 is scheduled for a cleaning sometime in 2005. I'd do it sooner but I have an Original, a Hydro 80 and my #1 125 to refurbish first. :eek:)

Ryan, the seats on my 125s don't rattle.
Kraig -

Of course I take the cans off first - don't wanna scratch the nice federal yellow finish

Note that the cans look better than the rest of the tractor!