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Archive through October 26, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Technically, he did not have right of way, that is why the police wrote it up that way.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Looks like he got to join the ancestors on a technicality.

(Allis Chalmers D15, it was the D14 Replacement, introduced in 1960)

Sorry to hear about your friend.

Hey guys, right or wrong it's still a loss...something nobody wants to ever have to hear about.

Plow Day Weather:

For those of you who are tracking the weather for PD...if you go to the NOAA site, use zip 61561 you can view current radar images of the area (including looping maps). Also interesting are the hour rainfall and storm rainfall maps...cool info.

Roanoke is right above the "a" in "Peoria" on the maps.
Ryan, sorry to hear about the loss.

Looking the same for weather Saturday
Sounds like it's going to be a wet plow/swap day. But fun none-the-less.
Ryan sorry to hear about the loss..
I heard about that today.

I know crossing the highway in a tractor is a pain. Trying to get across hauling the bailer and 3 wagons behind it I need to have clear both ways. Still takes a good amount of time to clear all 4 lanes..
My name is Bob Necker and I approve this message.

Having not checked in here as regularly as some do I am lucky enough to miss all the innuendo and backhanded, derogatory, or otherwise unsavory invective that has been flying about. Satire and irony are terrific qualities in a post as relates to the subject but specific philosophical or political positions have no place in this venue.

Let's get down to the basics. This website and forum are about one subject, as stated in the introduction,
<center><font size="+1">Please limit your posting topics to</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">International Harvester Cub Cadet Tractors</font></font>
<font size="+1">built between 1960 and June of 1981</font></center>

Please confine you political posts (or anything resembling one) to appropriate forums. There are certainly enough of them out there that you should be able to find one that supports your particular viewpoint. The same holds true for your prayer requests. Please refrain from posting them here. Post to forums and other sites that appreciate and welcome such nonsense. I highly doubt that you would post about our <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> Cub Cadets on those sites. Not relevant. Right ?

Lots of people croak off everyday. Some due to their own volition or because of engaging in risky behavior. Good people are "returned to sender" because of bad decisions made by themselves or others. It is not the purpose of this forum to post any such death notices of otherwise anonymous persons. If one chooses to float out of this mess of civilization on a cushion of dogma and superstition that is a private matter. Not all people share that philosophy.

Please respect the views of others by confining your posts to the aforementioned subject.

For those having difficulty grasping this, here it is once again.

<center><font size="+1">Please limit your posting topics to</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">International Harvester Cub Cadet Tractors</font></font>
<font size="+1">built between 1960 and June of 1981</font></center>

In closing:

Our Powers are within,
Whatever be their name.
What they have done, what still may come,
This Earth can yet be as Heaven.
Live then this day, and without dread,
And forgive your own trespasses
As you forgive those who trespass against you.
And be not led into temptation,
But flee away from evil,
For Time is the Healer,
With power to restore me,
Forever and ever.

© 1998 Richard Packham</center>
tom R. go to your napa store and ask for bowl gasket 7-04531 in their small engine line, it only cost pennies, its made out of neoprene or rubber.
By the way, thanks guys for the tips on filling your cub cadet tires with ballast.
Question from a newbie:

In looking at the classified section, I see reference to "QL". I thought it might be "Quick Link" but that doesn't seem to fit some of the decribed items.

What does "QL" stand for?


Oak Ridge, TN
QL - QuietLine (?)

Digger - load 'em up on yours and lets see how far you canmake it across the field!
QL = "Quiet Line", IH's catch phrase for the 1975-1980 line of tractors that included full engine shrouding, rubber mounted engines, large mufflers, etc. Tractors included in the Quiet Line series are the xx00 and xx50 numbered tractors...800,1000,1200,1250,1450,1650.

These were the last IH produced yellow Cub Cadets. They are also considered "wide frames".

Now what tractor do you have with the balls to spin those meats in mud?????
Steve B,
This or the red one in the background might handle them if I can get the revs up enough at take off, LOL
I just don't see a diesel getting up the RPM's to spin them tires fast enough to "float" across the field. Maybe a gasser with the governor turned way up... Now that jet powered Cub from "Swamp day" might be able to go fast enough.
About my 1250 hydrostat. I have come to realize that cobbleing my H42 snowthrower is not good. What model tractors will this fit? Fortunately for me I have a 32" walk behind snowblower that works well.
I really like my Cub. All my kids can use it as the hydrostat controls are on the dash, not on the floor or foot operated like my Bolens was.
Hey Tedd- here's a thought... how about 'all of the above'...

...We'll take Charlie's diesel, feed it gasoline, and turn the governor way up... :-}

(I'll wear leather, hardhat, and a safety-shield!)
Now we know you're new around here and we're gonna let most of that slide for this time.

But . . . . not to haranguing or anything . . . .be sure to read the posting guidelines in the intro above.

The sponsors featured in the big bright boxes will probably be able to answer your questions and even have what you are looking for.

Another idea might to be to look in the classifieds of this site.
OK Bob,
I gotta ask what was wrong with Scotts post?
Was it that he god forbid mentioned a 32" walk behind snowblower or was it the H42 thrower that broke some freakin rule??
Or is it that we're tryin to turn guys away from the forum?
Curious minds just gotta know.
Man, what if I mentioned that I would stack my Bolens G-12 against any cub cadet made!
Bob Necker:
I like the post that landed @ 5:19 pm today - the one that "gently" clarifies the scope of topics intended to be discussed here. Sweet!