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Archive through October 26, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Most of the "what I would like to have and my address is" part of the post was removed.

I thought there was still enough of it to get the drift.

Welcomed as noted. Thank you for knowing the difference. With a twist !!
Steve "B",
Do you know if the interview with your Dad and Max has beed broadcasted? Been listening to "Tractor Tales", but haven't heard it. The weather guys are kinda' backing down for the Friday into Saturday rain in Northern Illinois. Who knows.

Is the "Great Meting of the Minds" still on for 6:00am. at Petro?
Just let the post fly and send him a bill for advertising, grin
Yea, that's the ticket, pay as ya go! I like that idea.
Tom H. -

I got half a mind to just join in for breakfast, then scooting back home. Not worth putting all those miles on the SSEi...

Tedd -

Yeah, that means I'll bring the books
I Ain't Drunk... I'm just Drinkin'... (soda)

No Cubbin' done tonight, but the Monarch Lathe is coming along nicely... got a bucketload'a Cosmoline Boogers pulled out of it, I've started yankin' off control levers'n stuff, soaking 'em in mineral spirits to loosen up all that sticky goo.

In a few days, my start/run capacitors will arrive, and I'll get the rotary phase converter dialed-in,then wire up these two beasts (the Monarch lathe and Bridgeport mill) and I'll be makin' Cub parts again! (probably exercise 'em really good makin' parts for the diesel-project)

Speaking of which... this month's issue of Home Shop Machinist has neat plans for a simple cam-grinder... thinkin' I might slap one together and experiment with some Kohler cams. In order to change the profile, I'll hafta reduce the base circle, but I think I can live with that... :-}

Next up for shop-time: Loader-Mutt! With hydraulics all done, it needs wiring hookup, belt tensioner, a HyTran fill-check for the transaxle, a fill in the loader/steering hydraulics, needs a muffler, install a hood hinge, fenders and battery... then smoke-test, break-in, etc... I'm shooting for before-snow, but mebbie it'll be just shortly INTO the snow-season... we'll see.

(Message edited by dkamp on October 27, 2004)
Thanks Matt, Kraig, Digger and John: I finally understand what a sleeve hitch and what a three point hitch are!
My 682 is in desperate need of a new battery. With those cold sub-zero winter mornings soon to arrive, I would like a battery with high CCAs. Can anyone recommend a good battery?

Dumb question: can an automotive battery with higher CCAs be used if it fits in the tray? Are they different than lawn tractor batteries other than size?
Dave K - You mentioned home shop machinist magazine. I looked on their website, and they also have machinist workshop magazine. Have you seen both? Which is better?

To keep things on topic, My bridgeport and gorton mills, and my logan lathe and my non name tool & cutter gringer been getting a workout doing the mods on the 105's powerplant. Started re-assembly last night, Should finish it tonight, and be able to fire it thursday. Can't wait for PD.

I'll see everyone at 6:00 at Rochelle Petro.
Can someone tell me the difference between the old style kohler voltage regulators...some have three connections on one side while others have another connection on the other side. I have two 104's and one has the three connection version and the other has the four connection version.
6 AM Petro/Iron skillet Check. WIth have the 100 and Foxtrot on the trailer and a bunch of goodies. Mostly for Art.
Bryan C. - 12 Volts is 12 Volts as it applies to car batteries.... There as such a thing as Negative Voltage but it doesn't apply here. IF the battery will fit and the hood or seat still close properly You can use it in Your CC as long as proper polarity is used...Bigger IS Better... I have a 550 or 600 CCA car battery in My #72 Cub Cadet but I had to modify the hood brace to fit it, and use replacement cable post clamps to hook it up. A side terminal battery may be easier to fit, I've never tried them. Both My Cub's with the battery under the seat like Your 682 have the L&G "L" Terminal batterys in them. The flat floor in the battery tray severely limits what will fit under the seat. DO NOT fit a battery that the posts come in close contact with the seat or fenders. The battery could blow up.
I am winding up the restoration of my 149 and need to paint (or do something with) the plastic part of the console. Anybody ever painted it with CC paint? If so, does it stick? Any help would be appreciated.
Digger- I like the meats! 20-15's?, better add some fender spacers and Bushwacker fender extensions!

For those interested,

The Haban H42 & H48 was designed for the '82 series of Cub Cadets.

Models 482, 582, 582 Special, 682, 782, 982

It will also fit many of the MTD/CCC tractors such as...

1204, 1210, 1211, 1282, 1512, 1604, 1606, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1806, 1810, 1811, 1812, 580, 680, 782D, 784, 882, 1912, 1914, 984, 986...and even some later tractors.

On the Cast Iron tranny Super tractors (982,984,986,1912,1914) a special adapter kit was required for the lift linkage because the Super tractors push to lift front implements, while the 782 etc pull to lift.

To my knowledge, the AL tranny Super cannot use the H42 or H48 because of lack of provision for the special adapter kit.
Sorry guys for the slip up. I grew up shoveling snow, so using the "other" machine was good up untill now. I will continue looking for a compatible thrower for my 1250 and hope it doesn't snow untill then.
Can anyone post the measurements (length/dia./hole size's/and hole positions) and steel type for a lift pin? I've come across a brinly plow and a sleeve hitch adapter, the adapter might not be brinly, but it is missing the lift pin. My brother could fab one at work for me, I know, I could get one from up top,but my brother is interestd in helping. I've noteced up top they have double drilled lift pin's, why two holes? Depth change?
I rest my case ! ! ! !

If you don't want to buy the piece from someone who has take the time to engineer and perfect everything (IH) you are asking why would you expect someone to give you that information?
Hi Torin! Yeah, I get BOTH HSM and MW magazines- great photography, excellent articles, and the advertising content isn't obnoxious. The magazines are bi-monthly, and staggered- so one of the two comes to my mailbox every month. HSM typically focuses on project building, while MW tends to focus on how to build tooing and machines... but sometimes you'll see a little 'swap' in personality. Doesn't matter to me!

BTW- I'm expecting, too... I've got a line on a surface-grinder with magnetic chuck, so I'm making room for the 'new child'...

Bryan C- while your'e changing that battery, also check your battery cables, ground connections, and engine-ground bonding straps carefully. Grab the cable, and flex it a little bit, then move your hands a few inches and flex it again... 'till you've gone from one end to the other. If you feel a 'crunchy' feeling when flexing, replace the cable... capillary action will pull moisture from the connector area down into the cable, and corrode the copper into fuzzy-green crud, and leave very little for conducting electricity. This condition will cause problems that're constantly mis-attributed to starter and battery. When in doubt, just change 'em out, and (if you're me) go to the next-size-up-cable... It'll improve performance of your HAM radio tranciever! :-}

Dean- I believe the difference between the Voltage Regulators is minimal. Everybody correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think that post that's all-by-it's-lonesome is simply the reference-ground post. On models WITH the post, that wire goes to the same ground-lug as the battery (-) post. On models without the post, the wire is internally connected to ground. The VR uses that reference to determine the battery's voltage for cut-in/cut-out point...
Steven L,
The one hole set vertical is for a tiller and when you turn it sideways, it's for Plows and implements.
Because sometimes the pursuit of happiness...
is a guy who just wants to DIY...
