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Archive through October 20, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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You can bet that the glove didn't just fall that way. He spent some time making it do that..


Back at ya Charlie!
Does anyone know where I can get the triangular American Mower Association decals for my 169 restoration?


John-David Reaves

The 2 voltages are set by 2 different adjustments so that the generator operates within that band.

The 14v adjustment is set by the voltage-control relay in the regulator such that, when the generator tries to put out more voltage than the setting such as when the engine revs higher, the control "dials-back" the field current and doesn't allow the generator to overcharge the battery. Conversely when engine rpms are dropping the cutout relay in the regulator will "cutout" the generator field current so the battery will not discharge backwards through the generator because now the battery has more voltage than the generator.

The reason for the cutout control is that in a DC circuit like the Cubs have the current will flow from whatever direction has the higher voltage to the whatever has the lower voltage. Normally that direction is from the generator to the battery so the cutout control keeps the reverse current from the the battery through the generator from happening at all.

In the info posted below by Kraig, the "cutout voltage" is called "closing voltage" because in reality it is the voltage that the relay closes it's contact and the generator starts charging. The "Cutout" terminology comes from the fact that is also the voltage at which the generator stops charging and comes from the fact that the cutout control/relay has two coils in it, the voltage control coil and the current coil. The current coil is a backup protection and senses whether the current is flowing backwards to the generator and forces the relay to drop out or "cutout".

If the contact in the cutout coil gets burned and stuck together the battery will discharge rapidly through the cutout relay and discharge the battery completely if the wiring holds up. This is the most common cause of burned wiring harnesses in any generator-relay regulator charging systems.

The second control relay in a 2-relay regulator adjusts the maximum charging voltage and is set with the engine reving up and charging. The 14v setting keeps from causing the battery from being overcharged, overheating, etc.

If you have a 3-relay regulator, the 3rd relay senses the charging current and dials-back the field so that the charging current does not exceed the maximum that the generator rating, thus protecting the generator. This relay is also set with the engine reving and you usually need to turn-on all the lights and other electrical loads so you can set it. You also need to hook in an ammeter instead of a voltmeter to make this adjustment.

I hope this makes sense. I don't have any illustrations but I am sure you can find some by using Search.

Keith L,
The wife got over it pretty quick when "big brother" sent her an e-mail about our stimulus check. I do do believe she has enough purses, but I know I dont have enough Cub stuff!
It's snowing in Vermont... Not sticking yet, however it's coming down at a decent click...Tis the season.
Nick, I don't recall ever seeing factory specs on the hood decal placement. Here are some photos from brochures for a visual reference.


Note that this one is farther forward then the others.



Here's a photo of an Original shortly after it was purchased:


Here's that same original many years later after it was purchased by Bryan McMeen:


Here it is after he and Dan Hoefler restored it:

I looked at the images I posted below before deciding where to place the decals on my Original. I decided that I didn't like the way the headlights blocked the decal so I chose to place my decals back slightly. Yeah it isn't necessarily *correct* but it's MY tractor.

Here it is: First snow pic of season. About 3" of wet stuff. Reports of 6"+ in Fort Kent, 40 miles north of here.

I had looked at a lot of photos online and in books of Originals to decide on the placement of my decals. Since I was going to run with a stack exhaust I wanted to place it where it could be somewhat readable, but not too far back on the hood. I also like the lighter color of blue on the decals I got. Some are a little too dark to me.


Well now Frank i know you got more snow that that last year lol. And Whats up with the Glove.. LOL ,i wonder how long that took to get it laying just right.lol

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