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Archive through October 14, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Hmmm...Wonder if I recognize the decking behind the bottle of Orange Hand cleaner?...
Ray, yes there different. Narrow frame has a bend towards the back of the frame to connect to the rockshaft and a wideframe is straight. Maybe someone will post a pic of the 2
DAVE R. - Wife got Me an ADVANTIX camera last winter before the trip to MEXICO. Great compact little camera, battery right in the film canister so You get a new battery for every roll of film, Camera is a CANON and takes really good pic's, even has a triple wide panoramic view shot.... Only problem is how expensive the film is to develope.
You got your push blade sub-frames backwards. The narrow frames are straight, and the one for a wide frame bends in and then up to fit the rockshaft.

You can add an Interstate SP30 230 CCA garden tractor battery to your list of door prizes. I will bring it along.
Wes, in the case of the fenders it shows that they were standard on the 106, 107, 126, 127 and 147 but optional on the 73.

- = Standard or Not Applicable in some instances.
X = Option

I agree with Wes on the meanings of the "X" and "-". It then appears that the electric lift would be Not Applicable for the 149 and 169.

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on October 15, 2003)
John L.:
Given the state of the Chicago Cubs, and since you'll be touching up your blue Cub, I've come up with a new paint scheme for you:
Ray, you made that Cub Cadet look like an old Craftsman...... yuk!
Whoops! <font size="-2">Guess that wasn't Kraig's deck behind that bottle of Orange Hand Cleaner...</font>

Sorry Charlie, no harm intended....
Maybe silver pin stripe would help.

Start drinkin' now, it could be a long night.
This just in from Gadget, from a Cub Cadet Parts and Accessories catalog.

Thanks Kraig - Figured that might help clear up the question of whether or not electric lift was available for the 1x8/9 (not that I've ever SEEN one!) Gadget
Art, now that you mention it, that does kind of look like my deck.
.......my #2 125 and the K4K Original could use some of that degreaser! :eek:)

