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Archive through October 13, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Std WITH lights....

147 (???)
169 (???)

(Message edited by sblunier on October 14, 2003)
Funny how lights are now standard equipment on most all the lower end tractors.
...and so are cup holders......creature features to mask the junk their attached to!!!!!
Okay guys, call me dumb or what ever! Can't figure this out and want to do it right. Have a 782 and want to mount a 42" snow blade on her.
Have a 42" which was mounted to and worked on a 149. Dealer gave me a printout for a 316 Snowblade Mounting Package and says this is what I need. My blade subframe assembly fits okay, but only has one crossmember. Printout dealer gave me shows two crossmembers. Think the subframe is a narrow frame subframe which has been modified, because the front mounting pins are reversed from the printout (outboard instead of inboard). My lift bracket on the main frame assembly is different than the one in the printout. It has two angles to it, and does not come out far enough. Also does not have the Bar Lockout. The Bracket, Hydraulic Lift, 719-3093 in the print out, is different than what is on my 782, unless it is a adaptor attachs to the bracket on the tractor.
Anyway, the way I'm set up now the lift rod rubs on the tractor frame and bottom of engine cover. I don't mind modifying the the main frame assembly lift bracket, but I do want to have proper parts on the tractor hydro lift bracket. I can make up a lift rod.
Is the Bracket, Hydraulic Lift, 719-3093, a adaptor that fits on the lift bracket already on the tractor? Is the Bar, Lockout, 703-0671, neccessary, or can I just put the rod thru a 1/2" hole if I make up my own main frame assembly lift bracket?
Lot of typing to just ask 3 dumb questions. Hope one of you can help me out with what I need to do.
69 dude...
Rock on!!

How it the moisture level in the field??
What's the little box mounted on the left fender?

#4 Touch up paint
#7 Touch up paint

Just thought I would mess with you.

(Message edited by till on October 14, 2003)
I'm going to say lights were optional on a 169, my 169 had no evidence of lights ever being installed (but now it has lights

I don't think anyone answered you for additinoal input on second gears. You had it, Originals and 70's (maybe some 100's ???) had the 16T second gear, and then they were 19T second until the Quietlines and the 800, 1000, and 1200 had 17T second gears.

The Wheatland looks like it'll have a TA for sure now, I think I've located all necessary parts.
OH, big question!

Did I sell someone a set of tri-rib front tires. With moving twice between IA and WI in the last 2 years I have a hard time finding stuff . . . . <font size="-2">now where did I put my marbles . . . . </font>

my new email address is [email protected]

(Message edited by wcompton on October 14, 2003)
Ray, Only Gadjet got that option I guess!
On mine you just have to use the box under the seat!

Tedd, It still needs more than a touch -up paint job!

#14. Touch up Paint again...

Well, I just got my 122 back from the doctor...

He set the points, changed the plug and set the top speed at 3200. That's fast enough for the shape this engine is in now. It was 2800.

Suppose Travis will let me demo the planter saturday? I'll probably bring it along.

I'll agree with wyatt, I think that the lights were an option on the 169 as was the hydro lift. I have seen a couple of 169's without lights. The 147 may have come standard with lights though, I know that the electro lift was standard, sorta like a 149 wanna be!!
If somebody brought and payed for them and you don't find out who, you can send them to me.
Thanks for the info on gears...I thought I was right, but that's usually when I'm wrong.
FWIW, my 128 appears to have had headlights at one time, wires for them exist in the original wiring harness, and it appears that the reason the hood is missing is that someone ripped it off because they wanted the lights.