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Archive through October 08, 2007

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
IHCC Supporter
Aug 31, 2006
Home of the Plow Special
Your profile says you live in MN, but in your last post you said, "It won't be long before it snows in WI".

Where do you reside? In a boat on the river????
Art, notice that Brent's profile also says he's a programmer. I work with programmers all day, I think they all have a bug in their code!
Plow Day 3 was April 6, 2002. It is funny to see pics from PD3, that was before Rebecca was born.

It seems so long ago to me.
Funny Kraig,

I find that is is not the 32 bit programs that are the problem, its usually the 2 bit users.

Maybe I should update the profile. I moved from MN to WI about a year and a half ago when I got married. I'm a MN Viking fan and my friends think I will become a Green Bay fan (not gonna happen). So, I like to retain my MN identity as much as possible. Usually when someone asks where I am from Minnesota is the answer...even if it isn't exactly the truth.
Did you notice he never really answered the question? Must be another one of those "programer traits"...
Alright...enough with the programmer rips. If it wasn't for us you guys would be posting your questions about cubs with a postcard and a pencil instead of online.
If anyone else wants to rip us programmers take a look at Aaytay's quote in his profile first.

..for the record, Aaytay, I think I did answer the question. I do live in WI, Osceola to be exact. Obviously not on a boat.

k, enough about that before Charlie gets upset that we are off topic.
Brent - Are you using straight weight oil or multi grade ?
I've had a 7/16" head bolt in my 127 for years with no problem ... I'm like you though - I know it's there and I don't like it.
Brent, and again like the programmers I work with, you seem to have an excellent sense of humor!

Charlie, I still think that raffle was rigged.
OK, enough of rip on Brent. I was just having a bit of fun. No harm meant.

Getting back to your original question...
The engine "should" work, although you'd have to figure out which way you'd like to go with the charging system as your 123 uses a Starter/Generator and the 1250 uses a later-style stator. Not sure how guys (who have done this switch) have proceeded. Is it possible to just use the 123 as is to get you through the snow-season and find a correct rebuildable block that you can work on? Once you get that rebuilt you could easily toss in the "new" engine in an afternoon.

Just trying to help......

I believe I have 30w in there now. Sounds like everyone has had good luck with a 7/16 head bolt. Maybe I should trust my repaired threads after all.


I was leaning towards using the charging system, starter and PTO clutch from the 1250 if possible. One way or another my goal is to have a running engine in there for now and toss a rebuilt one in in an afternoon like you say.

Brent - I was thinking you might be running multi grade as Kohler says it'll use oil with a multi.

We all know Charlie's luck ... he worked for the Mafia once. On his first job he was suppose to dispose of a body so he went out in the woods and dug a grave ... struck a big gold vain.
I got the 129 back together, took the last shots before it got dirty and headed out to mow. I hardly made it out back before it started missing and losing power. WTH??. Limped back in the carport and started looking for things. Did I paint over the gas cap vent somehow... no. Fuel to the carb. yes. Spark jump from the wire to the top of the plug..yepper. That leaves compression for my top 3 check list so I check to make sure the plug is tightened in and walla.... it was loose. I started to torque it in and it just kept spinning.
. Backed it out with my fingers and most of the head threads came out with it.
. Helicoil time. So I pulled the head and got it installed. You can see the aluminum threads that came off of the plug behind the helicoil. 24hr. set time on the high temp. RTV used on the threads (as per instructions)so the grass will have to wait yet another day. Thankfully I have several new head gaskets so I won't have to wait on one of them. I'll true up the head in the morning. Piston bore looks great with no lip at the top.
I have run MMO in the tractor for the five years I have owned it and I was amazed at how clean the head and piston/valves were. Check it out.


Naw.... just funnin'..but it had very little carbon build up.

And here are the pics. of the tractor and deck mated once again.


I need help identifying my latest purchase.
It is a wide frame hydro.It has hydraulic lift,disc brakes. I cannot read the serial #
on the motor,but at least the flywheel cover looks larger than my 128.The serial # on the
rear end doesn't make sense because it begins
with 2050047. Does anyone have a clue or are
there other characteristics that may help me
identify this tractor?
Rich, whether it is or is not supposed to have them...you gotta put a pair of rectangular hologen lamps on that beauty.... JMHO
I was impatient. I just got back and it's dark.
Pics will have to wait until tomorrow.
If I was a bettin' man, I'd bet your tractor is a 149.

That would explain the "0047" machine-code, and the "larger-than-your-12hp flywheel cover".

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