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Archive through October 02, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I got to thinking about somthing today. Say we get
75 plows going on plowday. If you average them at 10" Thats about 50 thirty inch rows per round. Anybody want to guess how many acres can get done in a day?
DAVE R. 75 tractors pulling 10" Brinleys or equiv. cover 125 feet per round (Up & Back) and on quarter mile rows, Typical in the midwest that's almost 4 acres per round. And a round in quarter miles rows takes maybe 10 minutes, maybe a little longer if the plow plugs, figuring 3 MPH. So 75 tractors could plow 22.8 acres in ONE hour at that pace. Back when I was a Kid plowing 20 acres a DAY was a LONG day even on the 450 pulling 4-14's at over 5 MPH.
Daniel Menard
I do not see that anyone tackeled your problem. I think you may have a generator over charging. Causes, stuck contacts in the regulator or bad ground on regulator. for stuck contacts remove cover and pry open contacts or hold open with a piece of paper. for bad ground check from reg body to tractor frame, should be zero volts, with tractor running, if not check the small braided wire that grounds reg. I had the same problem, mine was the braided wire.
The question was brought up over on the WFM's Forum on how tractors would be split up at PD6.
Goes as follows until further notice!

Travis is splitting up the tractors into groups/fields/sections.
Group 1 - Everybody but Art
Group 2 - Everybody that plows normal depths
Group 3 - Guys that want to plow to China
Group 4 - Art and the little old ladies and kids under 12 with pedal tractors.
Group 5 - Guys with 8HP tractors with hydraulic lifts that carry little sticks!


(Message edited by Cproctor on October 02, 2003)
Keep talking....

(Message edited by aaytay on October 02, 2003)
Charlie, Who'd ya talk into checking how big each guys stick is and why do you care?
Dave R.
You had to be at Spring Tillage Days 2003 to understand the STICK thing!
I'm sure Kraig has a pic, I can't seem to find mine right now!
Has anyone used the replacement cushions on their Cub seat? Wondering how difficult and how it works out - seat on one of my 123's is in a bad way.

Thanks, Jim

You may want to update your numbers. I have found out that I will not be able to get use of the 1 ton crew cab from my neighbor. He is having fuel problems.

So, I will be bringing only Spot and Stinky. That will drop the number of Cubs by two.

I can bring a stick too if'in you want.
Ryan M.,
My dad and I are planning on being at the IN IH collectors club plow day. Not sure what we are bringing yet.
I have no problems with poeple parting out Cub Cadet, been there done that. Where else are you gonna' get NLA parts?? <font size="+2">BUT</font>, I do have problems with people who go to ebay and stip a machine down to the very last flat and lock washer and fill pages with parts from one tractor. There is one on there now, a 1100 POS. Must be the same guy that sells manuals/parts lists!
I'd got to the local Home Depost and look through the in line filters that go with just about any other 17-18 hp tractor. I'm pretty sure they drink about the same amount of gas.
Stripping a tractor and putting it up on ebay irritates me for the reasons of...
A) no cub should be subject to such
B)Then I have to thumb thru all the
BS to see what I want to dream
about owning.
Sorry should read down a little more. Is there going to be a plow day in Indiana and where is it going to be. I want to come and admire all these cubs i see on here
Can anyone give me some idea as to how to adjust the synchronization between the brake pedal and the hydrostatic -- when I release the brake my 129 creeps backward which I guess means it is not in neutral where I presume it should be after full brake pedal depression. Regards to all!
Speakin' of GT pulling,is there gonna be a sled at Travis' fall PD? I know early on it was talked about having a mechanical sled there. I know Joe P and others would sure like to have one. Charlie,would you know??