MARLIN - I was waiting for the last of the leaves to fall before the last mow. They're down now so I can go any time.
Think it was about ten yrs ago I finished fall yard work on Dec. 15th. That wouldn't have worked last year since we got 6-8 inches of wet snow Dec. 8th, or 9th that stuck around ALL winter.
Think the ONLY month I haven't mowed grass in is January. Couple yrs ago I fired up a Cubbie in Febuary to chew up some grass & leaves during a real mild winter just to say I'd mowed in Feb.
Think it was about ten yrs ago I finished fall yard work on Dec. 15th. That wouldn't have worked last year since we got 6-8 inches of wet snow Dec. 8th, or 9th that stuck around ALL winter.
Think the ONLY month I haven't mowed grass in is January. Couple yrs ago I fired up a Cubbie in Febuary to chew up some grass & leaves during a real mild winter just to say I'd mowed in Feb.