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Archive through November 21, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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MATTHEW S. - paint removal, depending on what kind of surface Your removing the paint from determines what You can use. Lot of people use rotary wire brushes, either cup style or flat in angle grinders or drills for paint removal. They also make Scotchbrite discs You can use the same way. Works good on sheetmetal parts, removes the paint without removing lots of metal. If Your trying to remove paint from cast iron surfaces Your options are limited. The as-cast texture is a great surface for paint to adhere to trying to get it off is tough. Hit it with the wire brushes once accumulated grease & oil is gone to remove loose or flaking paint, then prime & repaint. I've seen a LOT of "Show Tractors" where during the refinishing process they sand and/or fill the cast texture of all the exposed castings to make the surface smooth and shiny. That's a lot of work and in my opinion takes away from the "Character" of the restoration. Tractors were never like that from the factory.
DONALD T. - Those diesel 4X4's do get around well in deep snow don't they! All that extra weight up front sure helps traction. But Your right, knee deep is about all the deeper snow they will handle. Last winter during one of Our big snows I took My truck to work because it was supposed to snow 12-20 inches and drift during the day. We ended up with 15-17 inches locally, but the snow that finally stopped Me was the two+ FEET deep snow drifted into My driveway. I was pushing snow with My front bumper when I finally spun-out about 75 feet from My shop. I spent the next hour on the Super H clearing the driveway. Son took a bit of video, It was hard to imagine THAT much snow in the yard last summer when it was 90 degrees out!
Could someone tell me if this plow would hook up to my 149, without major fab work. It appears to be different than my mower sub frame hook up, or would I use that sub frame?

Jeff R,
Take off the yellow part, replace it with the white part on the block of wood, slip it on, and make a lift rod. Unless you have a fondness for flying over the hood when you hit something solid like a heaved sidewalk section you didn't see under the snow, get a set of springs on it and disable the blade lock feature.
By the way, it's a blade, not a plow.
Scott S.
Squeezed in yes!
Will it or can ya make it work, yes if you have way to much time and money on your hands to convert the vertical drive to horizontal.
Hey guys. Problem starting my 129 this chilly morning. The battery is brand new and fully charged. All I get is a click from the solenoid. Does this tell my the S/G is bad? Need new brushes? Or an entire new S/G? Thanks.
HelP can someone post a picture of the govener set up on the insde of a 14 k . Thanks if you can help. Later Don T
What have you done besides replace the battery? What have you done to troubleshoot the problem?
There are many things that could be wrong, give us a little info here........
anybody got a pic of a 60's cub new on the show room floor, i would really love to see one thats never been used and is still new in a crate in some wherehouse, lol... anybody know of any??