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Archive through November 20, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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grrr. . .

Mike L.,
I got a carb from a forum member that still had a bowl full of gas! the UPS guy wrapped it in 10 plastic bags and it still wreaked! Anytime you buy anything fuel related, remind the seller to drain it. The fuel soaked bags would have ignited with any spark I'm sure. My wife was quick to note the smell and deposit it in the driveway instead of letting it come inside. Kenny
WYATT - I'll check steering wheels for You tonight. I'll have to check some pic's I have on My PC here at work but the 982 wheel has a bunch of off-set to raise the rim hopefully enough to clear the hood. It Is larger in dia. as Charlie said. MARK B. - Yep, A Pic of the Snow Cone sales person would be nice. Too bad they didn't show Her getting a massage instead of Paul Sr.Huh?
Craig C., FWIW, my #1 125 w/ sn:303217 has the notch in the frame and the cloth covered wires....
Kevin, here's a parts drawing that may be helpful, it's of the blade subframe for use with a 782.

What is going on with you - - having a senior moment!! Don't you remember going thru this with me when I picked the 782 and I said that I was going to put a blade on it?
Sure wish I would have had a diagram like Kraig posted. Think that is the proper way to go (just like you told me to do.). Still not set up like that but it is not rubbing. My main frame bracket sticks way out like the one in Ryans pic. My rod attaches to the lower and larger hole on the tractor. Doesn't give me much lift, but it works. Two and a half inches of lift does not give one much lift at the end of 54" blade when it's angled. Maybe some day I will find the two proper brackets and parts.
Good luck getting it right.
Travis, are you ever going to get your stuff back. Seems that the new convicts could tell what they did with the stuff.
Everyone needs a hood with a notch in it!
Steering wheels -

I know if Hydro Harry were around, he'd be all over this

Everyone's saying their 982 wheel is bigger than the QL wheel, yet the parts book shows that the current part numbers for the wheels are the same, and I'm assuming that the center caps are, too. So somewhere along the line something changed. Anyone wanna address that?
Bryan - I don't want to start anything but personally I feel IH last best tractors ended with the QL series. I could never figure out the model numbering for the Great 82 series and consequently, couldn't figure out the tractors either. Now, specific to the steering wheel, I know the later Super Gardens had a bigger wheel than the QL series even tho the Supers had power steering. As for the 982, well, it seems as tho CCC used the late QL series wheel as the common replacement for most all of the earlier wheels, and I suspect just rolled the part number into the 982 as well.

Hydro Harry
The Ghost Poster
Yip, that's the big wheel Kraig. The steering column is longer too. I put the column and wheel off a 982 on my streeeeetched 128.
From a Cub recon trip a while back, 682 on the left, 982 on the right.

The 982 Steering wheel was used on 982,984,986,1572,1772,1872,2072,1912,1914.

The 782 Steering wheel was used on 482,680,784,800,882, al the QL's and a bunch of the newer 1200, 1500, 1600, 1700, and 1800 series CCC tractors.
That's the fact Jack!
Harry's still alive!!! Thanks Harry, I'd buy that well reasoned and insightful...

BTW, would ya mind shooting me an e-mail with your updated contact info? I still list Railtree!!!
Yea, my 1872 has that larger wheel on it like the 982's that Kraig posted. I always thought the larger wheel was to aid in making the steering easier even though they have powersteering.

streeeeetched 128?
Doesn't a cub recon trip need to include buying cubs? If I remember correctly, we didn't actually buy anything that day.

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