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Archive through November 19, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jonathan, on the 123, the S/N should be at the back of the tractor just above and to the left of the draw bar. There should be a series of numbers then a U then more numbers. The actual S/N is the set of numbers after the U. Keep in mind that the Cub Cadet website may or may not have the older Cub manuals available online, I've not checked. Please let us know if they have it.

William B., nice 149! Interesting rear lift setup. Hmmm, that's an odd place to mount a rear work light.

Scott S., if you can get some photos of that Cub we should be able to help you ID it. I'll be on the lookout for it in the CCC/MTD forum section.
Jonathan The FAQS Tab above,under # 10 will tell you where the tag is located.....Its on the rear end,the left side of the cover plate stamped into a tag!!
Frequently asked Questions!#10
Lonny Buttke (Lbuttke)
Thanks for the reply. I knew it was a little different from the key in my 100. but who knows if it is right.
The closest IH dealer is about 25 miles away, then remember that a good auto mechanic 5miles away that still does some lawnmower work and he had a set of keys that worked. Still would like to know what happened to the original.

Thanks a ton, I was able to get the nut and washer off the pulley, it looks like there is a another ring on the pulley, it might just be the groove around the pulley, I will soak it tonight and pry in the morning.

This forum is a wealth of knowledge
Can anyone tell the where to find the bolt clamp that holds the on the head lamps for an original and what size the bolt is suppose to be?Thanks,Dustin
Dustin S.
Scott Madson.
Oh yea, there is no bolt that goes through the clamp. That's already attached to the light itself.
How about some pictures then digger. that would help since i dont know what im talking about.
Dustin S.
Pics do ya no good when it comes to those.
And the good thing about calling Scott is, you say what your wanting to do and he knows what you need.