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Archive through November 15, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Wayne - I didnt have em on yet in the pic but I do have some small weights on the 1000, those plastic cement things. Still waiting to come across some real weights. Tires are also filled. On the flats I pull my 3500# 6x10 road trailer filled with wood no prob. On the hills in the woods even that 12.5 dump cart is a struggle. The steep spot I have a few semi-switchbacks and if it is at all wet or muddy requires the full amount of my body weight shifting on the spinning tires to get through the couple bad spots. But its never been stuck always pulled through. Just takes to long, its a good 10-15 minute round trip for each load (plus however long it take me to off load it), and a dump cart load at a time takes forever to fill the back of the truck and part of the trailer.

Yeah I might be able to fit more on the trailer with the wood split but it would take even longer. As it is right now it takes me a full day by myself to fill the truck and trailer. And I am dead wore out. No way I could split it too. If the woods was close by I'd take my time, but I usually only go up to the farm once or twice a month, I start cutting when hunting season is over and usually finished up in may. So not many trips I have to cut a seasons worth of wood. I do bring the axe with me though, and do sometimes know the bigger pieces down into smaller chunks.

Bernie - thats more like what I'm thinking about, best part is the price!

Dennis - I like it! But to pull that 3,000# trailer loaded up hill I think I'll need something more along the lines of 50hp and 4wd! But even if my 10hp 2wd could I still couldnt afford it! I dont want to know what one of those would cost brand new.
I have had some big loads on a trailer being pulled with my cub cadet. Usually the cub cadet can pull the load but stopping on a hill can get scarry. I have had to steer into a tree to stop. Has anyone tried a surge brake on the hitch for your trailer?
I split wood with a mall as soon as i get it cut to length. If it is green wood it splits much easier than when it dries.
TRISTAN - I bought my trailer four yrs ago very slightly used, I think all it ever hauled was a couple bales of hay/straw for some horses.

I think a brand new trailer like mine is around $3000 but I didn't pay ANYWHERE close to that for mine.

Got done yesterday mowing/mulching the leaves just before dark. I put a plate over the discharge chute on the 50C to keep the leaves inside the deck and even with standard blades it really chews up the leaves. I'm sure with Gator's it would have reduced them all to powder.

Have to get the aerator ready to go today and hook it to the 72. Then I can poke about a Million holes in the yard. Going to have to dress a little warmer today than yesterday. After about two hours my feet get so cold I can barely walk.
Dennis - mowing leaves is on my list too, but probably wont get to it until the weekend. Got to clean gutters, replace ball joints, and do some oil changes today (on the trucks, that is).

One problem I have with the mower deck is it just doesnt go high enough. Anyone else notice that? When I cut grass I always cut it on the highest setting. When it comes to leaves I have to go multiple passes because at least half of them get pushed snow blade style by the deck instead of going under them.

Luther - it might depend on what species of wood your cutting. I've tried splitting them green and had no luck. Most of the larger rounds when green I couldnt even get them to split at all even after a dozen whacks. The same round a few weeks later once it starts developing those dry cracks will split with one or two blows. Only time green has ever been as easy for me is when its sub 20* out and they are frozen. Some swear by splitting green, for some reason its never worked with me. BUT I dont split em dry either, I'm only waiting just a couple or few weeks for them to start those cracks. Most common firewood here is cherry and black locust, followed by maple and oak.
tube bending pliers


does a neat job.
TRISTAN - I was actually surprised by the 50C. Even with the plate over the discharge it was sucking leaves under the deck really well, some even 5-6 inches from the deck on the left side. Some places where they were really deep they would pile up in front of the deck and roll over the top of the deck but only in a couple places. Normally they'd just push ahead of the deck a bit then get sucked under and chopped up.

I have several really large Maple trees that drop leaves six inches deep on the ground. Even with my lawn vac I'd have to make several passes over those areas to get all the leaves sucked up. And when I pulled a lawn sweeper to clean up leaves I could only go twenty feet before it was full. Mulching them really helped, I could go almost fifty feet!
Shop clean up today,I have cleaned up all my leaves and installed winter tires and I`am now ready for winter. Snow blower needs some welding for the lift bracket, I want to try the single stage 42" on my 149 and see if it will blow some snow.I have parts of a cab here and might have to make it work. It will be a long winter and I only have 2 tractors all apart for a rebuild lol.
Would anyone have the measurements for the windbreaker latch brackets for a NF. I want to put my windbreaker and snowthrower on the 127. I have a windbreaker for the older style tractors and am trying to make it work. I have the Haban sickle bar mower on the 125 and decided its too much work to take off.
Let me know if you want some details on the trailer I built. And yes that is a 1512 pulling the trailer.
Just a Quick question, I have more reverse gear in my 127 than I do forward, I have no leaks and the fluid and filter are new, they are ih hytrans and the ih filter. Any suggestions would be nice as I am getting ready to bring it in the garage to take off the mower deck. So while I have it in there I figured I would fix that in the process, it seems as if it doesn't have as much forward pull to it as it should, fluid levels are at the proper levels also.