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Archive through November 11, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Does anyone have a pic of the trash problem Steve is talking about? I can't quite picture where it is catching on the brinly hitch. I haven't done a whole lot of plowing in heavy trash. At Pa PD we were plowing sod, so we did have some plugging,
but mostly the problem was getting/keeping the plow in the ground. You had to "stand the plow on its nose" and then you couldn't get a nice furrow.
I'm just trying to understand all the plow
discussion here-keep it coming.

I've done it my mower was orignally green though. iused mine for mowing around our 3/4 acre pond. after the second pass i got tired of tighting up the blade bolt as the blade spun-backwards. finally i overtighted it and it snaped the spindle....
Yepper, I got one or 2.
Digger nice pics of the thrash problem at PD! Only had to stop once to clear my plow!!

(Message edited by hsimon on November 11, 2003)
So the Haban Flail mower that just sold on Ebay went to a Plow Man! Now I understand! but I still can't afford it.

(Message edited by cmccarty on November 11, 2003)

(Message edited by cmccarty on November 11, 2003)
The part that I saw that seems to catch the most trash and starts the whole pile up is the lift bars that stick below the adapter. I have been thinking about cutting mine off to the needed length or flipping them over and putting the slotted end down and see if that would help. The bars stick down over an inch below the adapter frame and the trash seems to start catching there first. I also noticed that the guys running 26x12x12's were having less trouble with trash but were having trouble filling the furrow when following a unit pulling a 8" plow. It is hard to put a 12" tire in a 8" furrow. Speed also helped to avoid plugging but there was only one gear drive that could go faster than 2nd gear (Ryan) and I had trouble staying ahead of him with my 1650 with the hydro lever as fast as she would go. I had my most trouble with plugging when following a slower tractor which was usually a gear drive or a 3 pt plow that was plowing 7-8" deep.

The best sleeve hitch plow I've seen so far is the Allis plow I borrowed from a friend. It has a coulter that is adjustable in and out and can also move it forward to get more clearance between the coulter and plow bottom. It also has a lower angled plowshare that makes it seem to pull easier, scour better, and does a real nice job of plowing in any condition. I just wish I could find another one that is complete.
Hey Art,
Since that mower is a short distance from my house, why don't I just pick it up for you and let you know when I am done with it. I will check it out and make sure it mows good before I turn it over to you. My cub fund is a little short right now or I am sure you would have had to pay more for it. It will fit nicely on my 106.
Everytime I see that pic, I love it more. Thanks for taking it.
And BTW... Welcome to the club....

Steve, I'm in Texas, but Tara called and said the UPS guy cussed dragging in the heavy box... Guess your parts are there. Ship them when I get home. Keep them honest.
I did not have any problems plugging up mwith trash at PD6, even when going through piles left behind by others who did.
I really wish it would snow so I can stop all this yard work and give my 102 a well deserved rest.

Did it look like this????


Who made it for them????? Disk gangs and frame look like Brinly, so does the plow standard and pitch adjuster.

I'd love to have one too!!!!

Thanks, I won't get to it for a little while anyway.

WTH are ya doin' in Texas, dirt's to hard and rocky down there to plow with a PP-1200!!!!!!
Steve B,
It was the plow I had down in Indiana at Jonathan's plow day. I also had it at your place, both WFM plow days, and at Travis's. It does not look like the one in your picture. It looks similar to the older Brinly but has a bent strap welded on the frame to mount the coulter. The coulter itself is on a flat bar. A U-bracket clamps the coulter bar to the bracket. This allows it to adjust sideways and I can mount the coulter assy to the front of the bracket which moves the coulter ahead about 3". Without measuring, it looks like the plowshare on a Brinly is at about a 30 degree slope while this Allis plow is at about a 20 degree slope. It is very noticable when they sit side by side. I will try to snap some picture tomorrow with my cheap camera and shoot them your way or on here.
Thanks Robb, I can't wait to hear that thing roar. Being that it's probably the same model as yours only with different mounts, I bet the thing sounds like a 59M mounted on wheels. Arrrrghhh!

I think it's finally time to retire the sandals...
That I love that picture of the furrow up at the WFM PD. When is the next time it will be in a field like that?????

On the trash subject. I had trash build up , but it would just dump out when it reached a given amount. I plowed right through and over a lot of trash piles too. I was not flying in the furrow by any strech of the imagination, but putting along. That was some sticky dirt out there!!!