Yep, it's missing some of the braking apparatus (sp) but that doesn't matter because I'll go back with the older's cheaper to maintain in my opinion once you get the right parts.
I hate the fact I have to pull a good, tight engine. It will give me the chance to clean it up some on the inside. The first thing I checked before I bought it was a mounting bolt count. It had all four. I have gotten them home and found only one bolt. Talk about shake, rattle, and roll.
Yep, it's missing some of the braking apparatus (sp) but that doesn't matter because I'll go back with the older's cheaper to maintain in my opinion once you get the right parts.
I hate the fact I have to pull a good, tight engine. It will give me the chance to clean it up some on the inside. The first thing I checked before I bought it was a mounting bolt count. It had all four. I have gotten them home and found only one bolt. Talk about shake, rattle, and roll.