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Archive through May 29, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I dont get on here much, but I found my NF gaskets at a hydraulics shop. Outside diameter was different but the inside was the same. I have 2 of them in service and working fine. As for the NF hydraulic pump and other uses. Bolen and Wheel Horse used the same pump just set up different and the parts are just as scarce if you got to one of those dealers.
Chris C:
"pulley doesn't want to be pulled off".....
Well, you're bigger than it is and you're the boss - give it a timeout...

The last one I pulled had a cracked hub, with pieces of a Coke can wrapped around the crankshaft for shimming, so it just kinda fell off. I'd make sure the set screws were out, heat the hub (not the crankshaft), apply some Gibbs penetrating oil, tap on the hub (not hard, just to set up a vibration - it helps the penetrating oil). Repeat two or three times a day for a couple of days. If that doesn't work, get a three jaw puller big enough to grab the OD of the pulley and center the screw on the end of the crank. DON'T HAMMER ON THE CRANK - the engine's got roller bearings in it and you'll brinell the bearing races!

BTW - any Hams out there? - is that really the Wouf Hong that the smiley is swingin' ?? (sure looks like it to me)
Richard P.
I just went thru my 1450 last winter, I didn't think there was room for a bushing either.
the bushing is a round ball looking affair enclosed in a band of steel that is press fit in the rear coupler. When I took mine apart, (After replacing 2 flex discs in about as many months,) I didn't find any thing that was left of that bushing. Apparently the PO hadn't noticed or didn't know that there was supposed to be a bushing in there. I think that they are called "self-aligning bushings". The one in front is bolted to the fly wheel and then the flex disc bolts to that, once you slip the drive shaft into ths hole in the ball. On my 1450, the rear bushing was made out of bronze, or something similar, and the front one was made of steel. BTW, both front and rear bushings were completely gone on my 1450. Once those bushings were in place, along with new driveshaft, hydro fan and flex discs, no more issues of tearing up flex discs. Not to mention a whole lot less vibration. Hope this helps
Okay, the 129 project tractor (my first) is coming along nicely with the engine pulled and getting machined with parts on the way. I had some time today so I got the carb cleaner and degreaser out to start removing the 1/2" or so of oil and grass that had pretty much accumulated everywhere on the frame under the engine and on the hydro (both leaked). I couldn't even really see the release valves before I started to clean. I got it cleaned enough and snapped a few pictures of the hydro for a later reference. I then set to clean up the carb and found the throttle shaft to be pretty loose so I started searching the archives on how to fix this...

Long story short, I found a post from Kraig from Sep. 23, 2008 showing the hydro pumps equiped for the hydraulic lift and immediately a light went off in my brain. Can someone confirm that the hydro pump on my 129 is equipped to accept the optional hydro lift (it would be a nice surprise). It doesn't have one now but I have found a source for the parts at a reasonable price. If I can, do you all recommend adding this feature? Like I said this is my first project but this tractor will be used mostly for pushing snow and an occasional mowing of the lawn (Unfortuately I have a small yard and a big driveway).

This forum has been great for answering my many questions throughout this project.

Christopher, it looks like to me that pump is capable of hydro lift. You may have to change out a spring in it to change the pressure which would be simple.
The 127 quit with a bang. Now it only fires out through the carb. I put new points on but no improvement. Acts like it's gotten out of time, but so far I can't make out any markings when looking at the flywheel through the hole.
good morning the cco is running again,have to recondition the mower deck yet.after getting it running i took a short ride thru the neighborhood, in 1st gear i hear a bumping sound like something is rubbing but i don't see anything on the driveline.it almost sounds like it is in the front.could it be the front carrier bearing?
thanks in advance