The progression of my “cub bug” (aka. Yellow fevor…) and why I guess ISO mounts suck...
Since getting bitten with the "cub bug" (a little over a month ago...) I've acquired 3 QLs (1650, 1450, 1250) and a WF 169.
I'd first bought the 1650 to mow with and to “restore.” (had always wanted a 1650 when I was polishing the seat of my Dad’s 1200 with my butt for hours at a stretch…) Shortly after getting it home I discovered that you couldn't mow & restore at the same time
Also, it has some bigish issues - so bought the 1450 thinking it would be the workhorse while I got the 1650 back up to snuff and then it would get sold. The 1450 turned out to have worse issues and is now currently half torn apart awaiting new ISO mounts (among other things) to arrive. I'd gotten the 1650 for a song, so the 1450 didn't seem like a big deal, then the 1250 appeared for less than I can sell a couple parts off of it for… Since I needed a few other parts from it for the 1650 - I was actually saving money, right?

Anyhow, suddenly the 169 became available and I decide IT would the restoration project and I should have it for when I was ready to do a restore, vs. being ready to restore and not being able to find one, I mean, they only made 4000 ever, right?
Anyhow, the 1250 is currently my "experimentation" unit. It is a rolling wreck. Missing drive shaft, hydro valves both frozen, numerous small pieces (tank, some body work) missing, etc. It did however, (for $25 more!) come with the engine, which turns by hand. This is my "fun tractor," the one I'm learning on. I even plan to rebuild the motor myself – what can I lose with $25 invested? Today I decided to pull the engine to see what I would be looking at to replace the ISO mounts in 1450. (note, the engines are HEAVY – big, BIG mistake hoisting it by hand onto the work bench!)
Anyhow, the attached pics show why the ISO mounts suck. I have no idea how these got SO deteriorated, but it is amazing! These are the bottom, BACK mounts. It is my understanding they typically fair better than the fronts! I understand this to be due to the fact that most oil leaks occur in the front and the oil combined with the heat quickly rot away the front ISOs. I guess that wisdom is in part valid. One of the fronts was entirely missing, the other replaced with some sort of bolt/nut rigid mount concoction.
Anyhow, I'm busting on the QL series, but I really don't care. I'm learning enough (and of course own a couple) that should I develop a ISO eating oil leak in the future I can STOP and fix it before the worst happens. Having said that, I am looking forward to the 169 and not having to deal with them. I also wouldn’t mind if a 149 found its way home and my "worker" wasn't encumbered with them (ISOs) in the future.
Ah the possibilities… I could have the 149 &169. Fix up and trade off the 1450 & 1650, then get myself a 1200 and put a rear PTO and creeper on it to have the fancy upgrades I’d wished Dad had sprung for. Of course the motor from 1250 would already be ready to rock & roll
You know, I told my fiancée that I was getting into this hobby because it was cheap compared to everything else I’d ever been into

Amazing how it has picked up steam so fast… Going to have to enjoy it while it lasts, 25 days and I’m married
Looking forward to it for sure, she’s a great girl – but these tractors are going to need parts