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Archive through May 25, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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cc 106 clutch questions.
by pictures what do you think is missing here. im thinking pressure plate,disc,spring clutch disc (3pc.)
i just had this 106 given to me. had to order ignition switch and steering box parts to rebuilt steering box. now looking today at it looks like clutch is missing pcs. i had motor running and it runs good but thats as far as i have gotten.


Josh local machine shop would work. If your bucks down (like me most of time) The GF has a glass top end table, I pull the glass out and lay it flat on the "clean" bench, lay a sheet of sandpaper on it. Now take the head and rub it in a circular motion over the sandpaper, rotate often cause it's hard to press equally across the head, don't press to hard (you'll want to but don't, let the sandpaper do the work). When the whole sealing surface comes up shinny it's pretty flat.
Josh: You can do it yourself with a sheet of 220 or so wet-or-dry sandpaper taped to a piece of glass and some elbow/wrist grease.

You're good Dave, very good!
You found and posted a pic, Together we made one heck of a post.
To add to what Frank & Dave said, a little solvent like Brake-Kleen or WD-40 helps keep the wet-dry sandpaper from clogging up and continue cutting.

Ryan's suggesting of torquing in 10 #/ft steps in the order shown in the Kohler manual is exactly they way I do mine too. I also use my inch-pound torque wrench since my 25-250 ft-pound torque wrench is WAY too big. The proper spec then is 300 to 360 inch-pounds.
Does anyone know if I should get a new head after 5 blown head gaskets. I also have a a lot of soot on the head.
I dont think my gen is charging on my 122 there is a guy in my town who works on them he can test it for free if the gen is good what do I do to test the voltage regulator? What can I do to check to see if power is geting sucked up when tractor ignition is turned off.

Richard-Are you puting them on correctly with the right torque sequence.
Well I got another tube installed today as per my instructions and it still holds air. Please cross your fingers lol. i got $60.00 back and a promise for a good deal on tires for my truck.

I do hope this will do it.