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Archive through May 23, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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The Parts Lookup above is working just fine.
The only way it won't work for you is if you have your security settings set to high on your puters!
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Matt Gonitzke (Mgonitzke) on Sunday, May 23, 2010 - 07:02 pm:


Are you using a mule drive with straight pulley brackets or angled pulley brackets (i.e. from a 44/50A deck)? If the latter, that's probably most of your problem.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Yes its the mule drive from the 44 deck(the only one I have). I didnt know there was a straight/angled difference and the manual didnt say anything about it that I read(could have missed it though). But I did notice today after dealing with those pulleys so many times that they were both twisted to one side a little - hadnt noticed that before. So is my mule drive not going to work then?

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By wayne e miller (Wmiller) on Sunday, May 23, 2010 - 08:07 pm:

Tristan, Do you always put the belt on with the same side up? If none of the other things mentioned seem to apply or work try this. Lay the belt out on the floor and mark which side is up. If it comes off,lay it out and turn it over so the other side is up and try again. We have a Woods belly mount mower on a small farm tractor,and I have ran into this situation a couple times,once was with a brand new belt.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Well, the belt is kinda permanently 'marked' now... one thing that kept happening when the belt was tighter was that it would roll over. I mean instead of the base of the 'V' being in the pulley it would be laying on its side. The first time I didnt realize it and tightened it up and tried again. Somewhere in that process it chaffed the inside top corner edge of the belt, not bad but the very edge has that frizzy look (sorry I dont know the technical term), but atleast I can tell which way its on. Next time I'll pull the belt off completely and flip it around and try that.

Thanks guys I really need some help to get the garden ready before the end of the season!


On a positive note the 12 feet I got done looks great!

Yes, you need another mule drive with straight pulleys. You're going to wreck that belt completely otherwise. None of those tricks will work unless you have the right parts.
Roy said what I wanted to say to Eric.

Now Bill: First: Welcome!

I'm going to take it for granted that your 129 is mechanical lift. If so, that's the most miserable lift/stop adjustment in town. However: If you stick around, read back, you might find out that there's a "pin in the rockshaft" that lets go.
Now, old Frank needs a favor. If you want to make a statement, go to any forum you want to. If you want to ask a question, come here.
It was time.
Matt, or anyone... do you know were I can get these pulley replacements? I checked out ccspecialties and didnt really see much any mule drive parts at all.

Hmmm even if I could find them by the time I think I would get em its going to be getting too late... boy this is going to be embarrassing if my neighbor (who bleeds john deere green) sees me with a rented tiller after he knows I went out of state to get this one for my cub...
Kraig looking at your picture thats what I have. Alot of snow you had when you snapped that one lol. Does it use the same mule as the 70? I picked my Original up for 150. I was shocked to see it at a yardsale. LOL Came back to load it up after I bought it and the guy told me he had others wantin to buy it. Glad the timing was right. LOL

KENtuckyKen what part of Kentucky are you from? I'm from Murray.

I got some money commin so I'll be fixing up my 70. Its a good looking 70 and all there. I wanna put a creeper and lift on it. I may put its deck and mule on my Original. I had my 70 turning over. The condenser is bad which I'll replace. Great site ya'll have. I'll have to look for a hydro now. Been wanting one for a back up mower to my LT1024.
Hope ya'll have a great day!!
Frank A. Currier(Northern Maine)

You keep poking that bear and he might snap at you
I see someone has a new hobby. Growing .

Had some seat time today and will in the am. Thought I would be smart and wash my truck and wax it. Well the wash and wax went well till I thought I would give the 6 cylinder a bath. Now I have a red light on (water in fuel)
Nite all
Frank C
Col Sanders started Kentucky Fried Chicken in Corbin, KY, and Betsy Ross was from Philadelphia, PA. She supposedly made the flag in 1776, 16 years before Kentucky became Kentucky in 1792, and 169 years before Cub Cadets were born. Most historians do not believe Betsy made the flag.
Eric, I've wanted for years to have one of each, Original, narrow frame, wide frame, QL and an 82 series. I've got everything but the 82, with a spare nf and two spare QL. A while back I got a very generous offer on a red one, I was unemployed and broke and it messed with me to have to say no, I just couldn't affford it. heck I couldn't afford the gas to go get it. I been at this for like 20 or 25 years. I never paid more than 200 for any cub, never let a seller see how much you want it. Lifes gonna happen for you. You realize your post at 2:09 was your 125<font size="-2">th</font> post.
Paul, I think he was talking about my aunt Betsy. Shes still kicking.
KRAIG, WES H. - You guys having an off-forum discssion about Torque-Amplifiers without ME?

The original discussion started with some video I think of Me @ PD #1 coming up to the end of the first round plowing and instictively reaching for the TA lever to slow down and raise my plow & turn. Wyatt & I discussed it one day over some "Lemonade and Other malted beverages" in the shop. He had considered a planetary reduction unit without the over-running clutch for his school's pulling tractor. We both kinda agreed a planetary unit from a small car's auto. tranny would work but the case would have to be fabricated and the band or clutch pack would have to be manually controlled, not hydraulic.

It really wouldn't accomplish anything a hydro couldn't do better, but like the TA in a full size tractor, it would really make a GD a Plow Day MONSTER.

With the "interuption in power" it would operate more like an Allis-Chalmers tractor, say a D-17 with the hi-lo hand clutch. The TA from introduction in 1954 till the end was pretty much a seamless change.

Maybe some day I'll do like KEN and build the SGT IH should have made, a down-sized FARMALL B, 4-speed with TA, Live hyd, Cat. O 3=pt. 16" drive tires.