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Archive through May 18, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Don T.,
So was there a noticeable burr on the inside of the rim that cut the tube?

If not, what do you think caused the cut/slit in the tube?

Ryan Wilke
Ryan D Wilke

We did not find any reason for the tube to split like it did.Just plain china junk I think.
China hasn't quite got the concept of retaining air within a tire down pat yet. Anything we have around here with Chicom tires/tubes requires a regular visit to the garage air station..

Gasket in place, moving on to the steering box while the chassis is a "wheelbarrow". Should I take pics of the steering column R&R too?? There's a good tutorial already on the rebuild....
RYAN - I'm about 99.995% sure Don's guess of the problem with the inner tube is correct.

Ripping along seams like that was even somewhat common on domestic inner tubes 30 yrs ago.
Guys that job is done. Question on front wheel bearings on my 149. does anyone know a part number that I can use at the parts place to replace the factory bearings. I thought someone must have replaced them sometime ago. I had thought the front wheels off my 129 would work as they have new bras bushings. But found out yesterday that the 129 wheel hub is not as wide and won`t work. Thanks Don T
Gerry Ide

When are you going to post some pictures of what your up to ???? I like pictures
By Roy Najecki (Rnajecki) on Saturday, July 18, 2009 - 08:47 am:

Myron, Roland,

Thanks for the info. I just checked the RBCBearings.com website and found the flanged bearings on page 57 of their catalog. After I wrote my first email I checked the other wheel and found it had a Heim RF122214AP wheel bearing. Seems the only difference between the RF122214 and RF122414 is the flange diameter (1.50" vs 1.625") and number and size of ball bearings.

I found the Stens number is 215210, MTD 741-0141, and NAPA 7-04133. I just bought two NAPA bearings ($10.29 each) and they have a 1.50" flange and is sealed on both sides.
Don T
The wheels on the 129 should be the same as the 149,and have the same bearings as the 149, not brass bushings. Sounds like there has been some shade tree engineering going on some place along the way.
Actually, I started to drill a hole last night to use the screw method - then noticed little metal shavings droping down onto the flange where the seal sits. The seal its self pushed back to the point the shaving could have fallen into the motor and I was thinking - "hmm, doesn't look good..."
