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Archive through May 10, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Hey Frank - 1 and 1/2hr already. Dang!!!! Bet she sounds sweet!!!!! You need to get the idle down to about 1000rpm and see how smooth it is. I wondered about the back pressure making a difference too. I've got the larger style muffler with long exhaust pipe. Not exactly sure what it was for but closest I could find to an exact replacement at the time I did mine. Jim Steele picked it up for me from a dealer closing his doors. Supposedly had an IH part number tag on it but could never cross reference it. Funny thing was, it was the exact muffler that was on the engine when I got it. It has the curved inlet fitting like the quiet style for the 14hp and under but those don't have the long exhaust pipe. I had to use a nipple on the block instead of the "S" shaped Kohler fitting (but the nipple was already on my block as well). I believe it has a smaller outlet than the Kohler fitting but not exactly sure. All in all I wondered if this back pressure helped to smooth the engine vibrations along with the stock balance gears I left in. I remember at that time I even got the "special Kohler tool" for re-installing the balance gears. Kind of a funny shaped Y tool, but worked pretty slick. It's now in Jim Cabot's collection of special tools, but of course you didn't need it. Since mine is a show "King" (169's have to be male gender) I didn't use the David Kirk point saver. Now, what's holding you up from the rest of the assembly!!!!!! I don't know how you can wait for the 1st drive. Those Kohler fumes at idle and that breeze blowing thru your hair when you're running down the road. Dang it - I gotta get mine out of storage!

good to see you got the 169 running. just when do you plan your first drive?

funny my 125 is near finished also. So I won`t Pick to much .
Frank - I'll let you know after I get a new head gasket installed in it. I did see the hydro buttons are stuck down, but will get it running first.
Ok I'll try here since my question got buried in the main Forum.
Glad we have a 169 thread!
Need some 169 model help.
Can someone give me the dimentions or post up a good picture of the hole for the hour meter.

I've begun to tinker on my 169.....it's in dire need of help. The least I can do is get the JD green side panel off of it. Thats a start
Rick B.: Actually Doug B. answered your hole dimension question 18 minutes after you asked it.

Anybody else got a guaranteed for life speed control lever?


Another cold, wet day here. 48* in the CubHouse, but I just turned the Moniter on and next step is to permanentify Dave K.'s Point Saver and install the wires on the hour meter - not necessarily in that order. I WILL celebrate Memorial Day by going for a ride!

Under EDIT: Hey, Gerry, see what Rick said!
I saw that reply, I was looking for some more information.
The hole size is not my concern, rather distances from the edges of the panel to the hole center etc..

A good picture that I could scale is good enough.
Rick and Frank - I'm not sure the + wire does go to the coil. I need to check mine, and maybe others can tell us as well. There is a special wire harness with an "L" style connector for the hour meter.

Frank Frank Frank - what did you do to your "guaranteed for life" speed control lever?
Rick and Frank - UPDATE. Frank was absolutely CORRECT (yes, chalk one up for Frank, I think that makes 2 now).
The "black positive + wire" goes to the coil, and the "white ground wire" goes to bolt/screw holding the little side panel to the frame. Here's a pic where you can just see the white wire under the bolt to the frame, and just barely see the black wire going to the coil.
(dang archive bug)