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Archive through May 07, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jeff D - Backoff on your neighbor , at least it wasn't a green or gray or orange color !

Charlie -
I got your e-mail earlier. I sent one back to U
I am retired now.After I retired the Paper mill said it is going to Shut down in the spring of 2010.
I might be able to finish the 1200 that has been in the state of a rebuild for the past few years.
Jeff, look out--- Ken has one of those new yellow things!

Geesh! I see where that grump thing must have come from.

I was hoping there might be a "thing" about walbros that happens ocasionally. I don't think I'd have this situation with a carter. I'm probably just chasing a gnat hair. The throttle shaft is nice and tight being on a new replacement. I'll give it a good bath now.

Thanks for your input.
JB - 8 years old now ... no problems other than backfiring and busting out the muffler.
BTW - That's a EUCLID

Note to everyone:
If you have electronic ignition and a bad battery don't try to start it up on a battery charger !
Wayne - If you'd been around as many "shade tree" mechanics as I have you'd know why I stick up for carbs. I've put several back together that have been took a part, even by DEALER mechanics that couldn't put them back together.
Everybody blames the carb when their engine wont start or it runs bad.
A girl I dated took her car to a garage and they told her she <u>had</u> to have a new carb. I found the bad plug wire and told her to forget about that garage !

As I said , Carbs have few moving parts and very little wear so they seldom are the cause of the problems.

You wanna see GRUMP ???

edit: You still didn't clarify the contradiction you made ...
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Gerry Ide (Kide) on Friday, May 07, 2010 - 07:06 pm:

I just checked the 1x8/9 Ops manual and couldn't find any cautions regarding angles of operation (which is good, 'cause you'd never be able to run one in Tennessee or Kentucky). Obviously there are limits and I know my ZTR manual has lots to say about it, but I think you're confusing it with the problems on KT-17 Series I twins that DO have an oiling problem on sidehills. Frank was mowing up and down anyways (not sidehill like they do in the hill country).<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Gerry I.,
The statement I was referring to is in the Kohler Engines Owner's Manual; 10, 12, 14, 16HP engines; Operating & Maintenance Instructions.
Here is the manual link: http://www.kohlerengines.com/onlinecatalog/pdf/tp_1346_c_all.pdf

Go to the top of page 7. Angles of Operation: "This engine will operate continuously at angles up to 30*."

It's probably not the cause of Franks' problem, but I thought I'd throw it into the Ring of Discussion for consideration.
I would think during steep side angle cutting jobs, the carb float would complain first.

Ryan Wilke
Fun being the neighborhood "carb guy" isn't it??.....cut my teeth on updraft Strombergs, '94's, '97's, WCFBs, AFBs, Quadrajets.....think a Walbro is fun? try metering rods on a QJ made for a 455 Olds setting on a SB 302

Yup, but he wuz goin' up n' down not sideways....
I liked my 750 Holley double pumper on my '66 250 Chevy fleetside with the "highrise" adapter I made.

Thunder and a light show here , very high winds ... heading in the house.

Do you think the lift on a 149 will lift both a snow blower or snow plow and a tiller? it would only be for show no pto hook ups