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Archive through May 04, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I see you have the same passion as myself for the first three series of cubs!
Super nice O there.


What kind of rear blade is that on that fine looking O? Is that a Kraig modification?
Haven't seen one like that before. It looks bigger than a regular Brinly blade.
Marty, thanks. It's an Agri-Fab model 45-02651 box blade.

Paul, had I known I'd have stopped in for a ride-and-drive on your O. I've been looking for one with lights and fenders for a few years....that and I would jump for a nice red 582. Someday. Nice ride.
Kraig, that's way better than the 38" brinly rear blade I have. I don't like how brinly had the weight bracket low and behind the blade.

Did it come with the sleeve hitch bracket, or did you add that?
It looks like a Brinly sticker on the bracket.

I agree with Earl on the Brinly weight bracket, it is a little frustrating where it is located.
It wouldn't have hurt for Brinly to have made the box blade more "heavy duty" also.
Marty, that is all stock Agri-Fab. Unlike the Brinly, it's heavy enough that you really don't need to add any weight, though I suppose you could. The manual doesn't say anything about adding weight. Here's some excerpts from the manual.

EDIT: I've had mine since around 2002. Looks like it's still available. AGRI-FAB


So yesterday evening I saw that my neighbor had his 2017 Cub Cadet out so I drove the Original over for some photos.

Paul T., I commented about his having a cup holder, and he said it is useless. Well, not entirely useless, it holds his gloves OK, but for holding a water bottle --> useless.


Yesterday after church I took the QA42 snowthrower off, aired up the tires on the trailer and used the 125 to haul the sandy subsoil out into the field and used it to level out my trails. So far I've hauled three trailer loads out. I'll have to grade more into a pile with the Original and haul a bunch more out before I'm ready to have the top soil hauled in.

When you install headlights on an original if they are in the correct place will the hood rest against them or will it open all the way?
Tim, it should open all the way and the leading edge of the hood will rest on the cast grill frame. Unless you have some fiber washers on the hood bolts and have them snugged up tight, then the hood will stay pretty much where you put it.